
Builton top of xlrd, package provides set of cell parsers that make your import easier.

xls, xlrd, import, schema
pip install xlsimport==0.1


Import your data from *.xls files


Package installed as usually, with command

pip install xlsimport

package requires xlrd and dateutils.


Xlsimport provide only API for now, no demo nor default setup. But it's simple to start using it.

First, you need to create descendant of xlsimport.models.Format class, for example:

class SubjectFormat(Format):
    cells = (
        {'name': 'Name', 'parsers': (TextCellToStringParser,)},
        {'name': 'Hours', 'parsers': (TextCellToIntParser, NumberCellToIntParser,)},
        {'name': 'Short name', 'parsers': (TextCellToStringParser,)},

    def to_python(self, data_row):
        return {
            'name': data_row[0],
            'short_name': re.sub(r'[0-9-]+', '', data_row[2]),
            'hours': data_row[1],

In this code Name column may contains only text cells and they are represented as strings. Second column Hours may contains text cells or number cells. They are represented as integers. Note that parsers applied with respect to order.

If you want to skip column, give parsers the value xlsimport.models.dummy_parsers. If cell must be empty there is blank_parsers value for that case.

Next you should make class that knows how to handle data (craate or update records). You also might want to place it into class like Django command.

Here's my example:


class Command(BaseCommand):


    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        source_filename = args[0]
        source_file = open(source_filename, 'r')
        descriptor, name = tempfile.mkstemp()
        os.fdopen(descriptor, 'wb').write(source_file.read())
        doc = xlrd.open_workbook(name, formatting_info=True)
        format_doc = SubjectFormat(doc)

        for index, parsed_row in enumerate(format_doc):
            process_row(index, parsed_row)

process_row here is a function that takes dictionary from to_python method above.

Tip. I created a gist with nice example of linux dialog usage.