
Creating windows auto install scripts from YAML config files

pip install yaml-scripts==0.1.0


Creating auto install scripts from YAML config files


  • Pydantic-like Schema validation: the YAML schema has precise syntax and the build pipeline will yield warnings or stop if your file has errors in it
  • A set of CLIs to interact with config files:
    • yamlrun shows the commands
    • yamlrun script is the script building subcommand
    • yamlrun upload is the script temp hosting subcommand
    • yamlrun pack locates a setup.yml file within the current directory and runs all the commands.

An explanation

Running the command

yamlrun ?

Or equivalently yamlrun explain will output this explanation in the terminal:

The setup file

The YAML setup file (which can also be JSON), is a way for you to describle exactly what type of package/program you want to auto-install using a single installer.

File structure

The file is structured in the following way:

<task name 1>:
    description: <textual description if you wish, OPTIONAL>
        <item name 1>:
            description: <textual description if you wish, OPTIONAL>
            type: <type description, if it's a CLI, GUI, what purpose, REQUIRED>
            priority: <how important it is to install it within the setup REQUIRED>
                - <powershell line 1>
                - <powershell line 2>
        <item name 2>:
        <item name 3>:
        # order in which the items are going to be installed
            - <item name 1>
            - <item name 3> # look you just swapped the order !
            - <item name 2>
<task name 2>:
<task name 3>:

Script & Executable Builder

Two options:

(1) One-liner script install. This script is equivalent to:

  • Building the PS1 core script yamlrun script build <task> <path/to/setup.yml>
  • Uploading the PS1 core script yamlrun upload f <path/to/setup.ps1>
  • The previous step should give you an URL of the kind http://ix.io/
  • Your resulting one liner is just:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser -Force ; irm <url> | iex

this is the yamlrun script BOL or yamlrun script build-one-liner command.

(2) Doing any of the steps above on its own.

Sample setup file

You can peek at the contents of this setup.yml file.

The resulting script from calling yamlrun script build is the setup.ps1 file.

Finally, calling yamlrun setup render <name> will generate a markdown formatted version of your setup file like setup.md


Just pip install it if you have it, but an executable is underway 😎

pip install yaml-scripts