
manage Alfred workflow via yaml templates

pip install yamlfred==0.3.3



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The Alfred Workflows management tool with a divide and rule manner.

Alfred Workflows contains README and scripts in single info.plist, and it's hard to maintain by common development methods, edit script with your favorite editor or track script changes with VCS.

yamlfred translate info.plist and generates files, simplified configuration, called workflow.yml, scripts and README.

This enable us to edit each script files or track changes with VCS.

In addition, yamlfred has abilities to extract or create Alfred workflow, translate a workflow.yml into an info.plist and vice a versa.


To install yamlfred, use pip install:

$ pip install yamlfred

For the case of uninstall, use pip uninstall yamlfred:

$ pip uninstall yamlfred


  • Extract existing Alfred workflow:

    $ yamlfred extract {{workflow}}.alfredworkflow

    Creates following {{workflow}} directory:

    |-- ...
    |-- info.plist
    |-- ...
  • convert info.plist (in current directory) into yaml template (workflow.yml) and scripts and README:

    $ yamlfred to_yaml
  • convert yaml template (workflow.yml) into info.plist:

    $ yamlfred to_plist
  • create Alfred workflow ({{workflow}}.alfredworkflow`) from workflow.yml, scripts and README:

    $ yamlfred create {{workflow}}


These Alfred workflows uses yamlfred:

On can upload github release page via CI services, such as Circle CI with hub command and GITHUB_TOKEN consult circle.yml in these repositories for detailed information.


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