
The Yandex Query official Jupyter Notebook plugin

pip install yandex-query-magic==0.1.6



Yandex Query cell (%%yq) and line (%yq) magics for Jupyter and VSCode



yandex_query_magic was created to:

  1. Yandex Query magics for Jupyter Lab/Notebook simplify the process of writing and executing queries directly within notebooks, enhancing productivity and interactive data exploration.
  2. They enable seamless integration with Yandex Query services, allowing users to effortlessly access and analyze large datasets hosted on Yandex’s cloud platform without leaving the Jupyter environment.
  3. By providing shortcuts for common operations and queries, these magics reduce the necessity for boilerplate code, making data analysis workflows more efficient and user-friendly.


Install pip package:

%pip install yandex_query_magic --upgrade --quiet

Jupyter Lab

Nothing more needs to be done, Jupyter Lab contains everything.

Jupyter Notebook

Enable jupyter extension for UI controls in Jupyter Notebooks:

%jupyter contrib nbextension install --user

If you encounter "No module named 'notebook.base'" error, consider switching to Jupyter notebook version 6.4.12. Discussion can be found at Stackoverflow.

Check the extension

Run extension in Jupyter:

%load_ext yandex_query_magic
%yq_settings --folder-id <yandex_cloud_folder_id>
%yq select 1


%yq_settings --folder-id b1gjt6gku4aa28p61fst


Global settings

Example: %yq_settings --folder-id <yandex_cloud_folder_id>


  • --folder-id <folder_id>: Required. Default folder to execute Yandex Query queries.
  • --vm-auth: Default mode. If set sets authentication mode to VM account key. See more.
  • --sa-file-auth <sa_key.json>: If set sets authentication mode to authorized keys. See more.

Basic usage

%yq select 1

Here %yq is the magic's name and select 1 is the query text.

Advanced usage

%%yq --folder-id b1ggt6geu4aa38p61kst --name "My query" --description "Test query" --raw-results

select col1, count(*) from table group by col1


  • --folder-id <folder_id>: folder to execute Yandex Query the query.
  • --name "<name>": query name.
  • --description "<description>": query description.
  • --raw-results: returns raw unconverted results from Yandex Query. Specification can be found here.

Variables expansion

yandex_query_magics support several ways of variables expansion.

Jinja2 templates

%%yq <other parameters> --jinja2

select * from table where col1 like "{{val}}"


  • --jinja2: turns on rendering query text with Jinja templates. Requires Jinja2 package to be installed.

Capture DataFrame variable from Jupyter

yandex_query_magic can capture variables specified in query in mustache syntax.

Suppose, you have a DataFrame:

df = pd.DataFrame({'_float': [1.0],
                            '_int': [1],
                            '_datetime': [pd.Timestamp('20180310')],
                            '_string': ['foo']})

Then df can be used as variable in YQ queries. While running DataFrame is created like table with DataFrame structure and named like a variable, df in current example.

select * from mytable inner join {{df}} on

Currently supported Pandas types:

  • int64
  • float64
  • datetime64[ns]
  • string

If you do not want to use variable expansion functionality, it can be disable using --no-var-expansion parameter, like this:

%%yq --no-var-expansion
select * from mytable inner join {{df}} on

Capture Dict variable from Jupyter

yandex_query_magic can capture variables specified in query in mustache syntax.

Suppose, you have a Dict:

dct = {"a": 1, "b": 2.0, "c": "test", "d": datetime(2022, 2, 2, 21, 12, 12)}

Then dct can be used as variable in YQ queries. It will be transformed to single row table of structure:

a b c d
1 2.0 "test" DateTime("2022-02-02 21:12:12")

Dict dct can be used in queries named as variable, dct.

select * from mytable inner join {{dct}} on

Currently supported types:

  • int
  • float
  • datetime
  • string

Capture List variable from Jupyter

yandex_query_magic can capture variables specified in query in mustache syntax.

Suppose, you have a List:

lst = [1,2,3]

Then lst can be used as variable in YQ queries. While running List is created and named like a variable, lst in current example.

select * from mytable where in {{lst}}

Currently supported types:

  • int
  • float
  • datetime
  • string

Capturing output

Line Magics can be captured with assignment:

varname = %yq <query>

Cell magics can be captured specifying variable name at query text start with << operator

varname <<  <query>

To silence a cell, you can stack %%capture:
