
Yet Another Rabbit Monitoring Agent

pip install yarma==1.0.0



yet another rabbit monitoring agent


Create a config file at ~/.yarma.conf with at least the following values:


The following values are optional but can be used for extra configuration (all under the DEFAULT section):

  • consumer_queue: (String) name of the queue used by the consumer. Defaults to yarma
  • publisher_queue: (String) name of the queue used by the publisher. Defaults to yarma
  • send_msg_every: (Int) the publisher will send a message every X seconds based on this value. Defaults to 30

Then you can use most of the generic config values for both oslo_messaging_rabbit and logging as provided by openstack.

The following are some examples of config options that are really useful


  • debug: (Bool) set it to true to see debug logging. Defaults to false
  • default_log_levels: (Set) set it to AMQP=DEBUG, oslo_messaging=DEBUG to see the full debug logging of the underlying libs. Defaults to INFO levels for all libs
  • logging_debug_format_suffix: (String) appends to debug logging. Useful to add %(thread)d so you can see the different threads on the log
  • log_file: (String) use to redirect all logging to a file instead of stdout.

Under oslo_messaging_rabbit:

  • rabbit_qos_prefetch_count: (Int) number of prefetch messages by a consumer. Usefult for testing different scenarios and to see how prefetching affects consumers. Defaults to 100
  • heartbeat_timeout_threshold: (Int) number of seconds after which the Rabbit broker is considered down if heartbeat’s keep-alive fails. Defaults to 60
  • heartbeat_interval: (Int) How often to send heartbeats for consumer’s connections. Defaults to 1
  • heartbeat_rate: (Int) How often times during the heartbeat_timeout_threshold we check the heartbeat. Defaults to 2


yarma has 3 different agents:

  • heartbeat agent: simplest of all, it will create a connection to the rabbit service and send 1 message so the heartbeat thread its started by oslo_messaging. Does nothing else afterwards. Its recommended to set the oslo_messaging and/or AMQP log levels to true to see the actual heartbeat exchange
  • publisher agent: publishes a msg every X seconds to a queue with a uuid and a timestamp in the msg body
  • consumer agent: consumes messages from a queue and print their uuid and timestamp


  • Install yarma with python setup.py install
  • It will create a yarma executable
  • Exacute it with the preferred agent (yarma --launch AGENT):
    • publisher: launchs a publisher agent
    • consumer: launchs a consumer agent
    • heartbeat: launchs a heartbeat agent
    • all: launchs a consumer and publisher agents