
Yesmaster is a terminal mastermind game. It's possible to play normally or let's play the computer with algorithm.

algorithm, game
pip install yesmaster==2.9.0


Yes Master


Yesmaster is a terminal mastermind game. It's possible to play normally or let's play the computer with algorithm :

  • random_idiot : totally random and idiot
  • random_no_repeat : random but never the same code twice
  • compatible : play random but take in consideration the verification and play only code compatible with it
  • compatible_8in2 : play the two first code with 8 colors and after that play compatible
  • compatible_4in1 : play like compatible but the first must be 4 differents colors


usage: [-h] [--algo ALGO] [--loop LOOP] {play,auto}

positional arguments:{play,auto}  play yourself or let's computer playing

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --algo ALGO  Choose an algo present in the algo folder
  --loop LOOP  Number of games

Test your algorithm

You can add your personnal algorithm with a python file in the algo directory (the name of the python file will be the name of the algo to call in the command line). 3 functions must be present :

  • init() : executed at the beginning of each game. Return nothing.
  • get() : executed for choosing the code. Must return a 4 letters string with letters among ROGBYAPW
  • report(test, good, bad) : executed with 3 arguments (test : the code that you push with get, good : the number of good colors at good place, bad : the number of good colors at wrong place). Return nothing.