
Python library to download youtube playlist for a user.

pip install youtube-playlist-downloader==0.0.4


YouTube Playlist Downloader

This package provides a script to download YouTube playlists for a user. It has been tested with both CPython and PyPy.

To use it, you will need to have access to OAuth 2.0 client credentials for Google developer project. You can follow Before You Start section in Getting Started page. Once your project is created, create OAuth 2.0 client credentials in console. Download *.json file and use it as a secretfile positional argument at command line. The command by default saves user OAuth tokens in credentials folder in the working directory. Next time when the script runs from that directory, reauthentication is not necessary for corresponding profile, unless --force option is used. Credential folder can also be provided with -e option. Credential file path could also be provided with c option, and that will override other options.

Here are few commands you can:

youtube_playlist_downloader -h # For help
youtube_playlist_downloader \
    --profile joe4939 \
    --outfolder myplaylists \
    --format json \
    --format default \


pip install youtube-playlist-downloader