The Zarinpal Python SDK provides an easy and flexible way to interact with Zarinpal’s payment gateway APIs. With features like payment initiation, transaction management, refunds, and reversals, it helps streamline integration with Zarinpal’s platform in both live and sandbox environments.
- Python >= 3.12
From PyPI:
pip install zarinpal-py-sdk
From TestPyPI (for testing purposes):
pip install -i zarinpal-py-sdk
Manage Payments:
Easily initiate and verify payments using secure APIs.
payment = zarinpal.payment_gateway.create({ "amount": 10000, "description": "Order #1234", "callback_url": "", })
Transaction Management:
Fetch transaction details with filters, limits, and pagination using GraphQL.
transactions = zarinpal.transactions.list({ "terminal_id": "YourTerminalID", "filter": "PAID", "limit": 10, "offset": 0, })
Refunds & Reversals:
Easily process refunds or reverse a transaction with a single API call.
Example - Refund:
refund = zarinpal.refunds.create({ "session_id": "Session1234", "amount": 5000, "description": "Refund for Order #1234", "reason": "CUSTOMER_REQUEST", }) Example - Reversal: response = zarinpal.reversals.reverse({ "authority": "AUTHORITY_CODE", })
Sandbox Support:
Easily switch between sandbox and live environments for development and production.
- Initialize SDK:
from zarinpal import ZarinPal
from utils.Config import Config
config = Config(
sandbox=True, # Use sandbox environment
zarinpal = ZarinPal(config)
Full Example: Fetching Transactions
from zarinpal import ZarinPal
from utils.Config import Config
def get_transactions():
config = Config(
zarinpal = ZarinPal(config)
transactions = zarinpal.transactions.list({
"terminal_id": "YourTerminalID",
"filter": "PAID",
"limit": 10,
"offset": 0,
print("Transactions List:", transactions)
except Exception as e:
print("Error fetching transactions:", e)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Contributions are welcome! Fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.
GitHub Repository: Zarinpal Python SDK
By simplifying integration, this SDK ensures smooth payment workflows, enabling developers to focus on building excellent user experiences.