
Image Classification for Zeno

ml, testing, ai, data-science, evaluation, evaluation-framework, machine-learning, python
pip install zenoml-image-classification==0.0.2


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Zeno is a general-purpose framework for evaluating machine learning models. It combines a Python API with an interactive UI to allow users to discover, explore, and analyze the performance of their models across diverse use cases. Zeno can be used for any data type or task with modular views for everything from object detection to audio transcription.


Install the Zeno Python package from PyPI:

pip install zenoml

Command Line

To get started, run the following command to initialize a Zeno project. It will walk you through creating the zeno.toml configuration file:

zeno init

Then run zeno zeno.toml.

Jupyter Notebook

You can also run Zeno directly from Jupyter notebooks or lab. The zeno command takes a dictionary of configuration options as input. See the docs for a full list of options. In this example we pass the minimum options for exploring a non-tabular dataset:

import pandas as pd
from zeno import zeno

df = pd.read_csv("/path/to/metadata/file.csv")

    "metadata": df, # Pandas DataFrame with a row for each instance
    "view": "audio-transcription", # The type of view for this data/task
    "data_path": "/path/to/raw/data/", # The folder with raw data (images, audio, etc.)
    "data_column": "id" # The column in the metadata file that contains the relative paths of files in data_path

Learn More

Check out examples and additional documentation: