
Zest Social Bookmarking

social, bookmarking, addthis
pip install zest.social==1.3



This is yet another social bookmarking viewlet based on http://www.addthis.com/ Why a new one and not for example collective.addthis? Well, probably just because it is so easy to generate the javascript with the services we choose, and register this as a viewlet. We did that for our own Zest Software site and a client wanted the same, but then with a checkbox per page to turn it on or off.


  • This gives you a viewlet near the bottom of the page with links to share this on LinkedIn, Twitter or Google; you can share on some other sites in a popup; plus a print button.
  • Also, you get an extra boolean field show_social_viewlet on the edit page (the Settings tab) of content types (using archetypes.schemaextender). When this field is checked, the viewlet is shown. By default the field is not checked, so the viewlet is not shown.
  • The extra field and the viewlet are only available when you have actually installed this Add-On in your Plone Site (this is done using plone.browserlayer). So when your Zope instance has more than one Plone Site, the viewlet is only used in the site where you install it.


There is no configuration in the UI. If you want to override the default value and fallback value for showing the viewlet you may want to look at config.py and do a monkey patch on the values there.

If you want to change the links that are shown, you should just override the viewlet template, which is probably easiest using z3c.jbot.


zest.social has been tested with Plone 3.3. and Plone 4.0, using archetypes.schemaextender 1.6 and 2.0.3.