
Tools for analysing Zipf's law from text samples

pip install zipfanalysis==0.5



Tools in python for analysing Zipf's law from text samples.

This can be installed as a package from the python3 package library using the terminal command:

>>> pip install zipfanalysis


The package can be used from within python scripts to estimate Zipf exponents, assuming a simple power law model for word frequencies and ranks. To use the pacakge import it using

import zipfanalysis

Simple Method

The easiest way to carry out an analysis on a book or text file, using different estimators, is:

alpha_clauset = zipfanalysis.clauset("path_to_book.txt")

alpha_pdf = zipfanalysis.ols_pdf("path_to_book.txt", min_frequency=3)

alpha_cdf = zipfanalysis.ols_cdf("path_to_book.txt", min_frequency=3)

alpha_abc ="path_to_book.txt")

In Depth Method

Convert a book or text file to the frequency of words, ranked from highest to lowest:

word_counts = zipfanalysis.preprocessing.preprocessing.get_rank_frequency_from_text("path_to_book.txt")

Carry out different types of analysis to fit a power law to the data:

# Clauset et al estimator
alpha_clauset = zipfanalysis.estimators.clauset.clauset_estimator(word_counts)

# Ordinary Least Squares regression on log(rank) ~ log(frequency)
# Optional low frequency cut-off
alpha_pdf = zipfanalysis.estimators.ols_regression_pdf.ols_regression_pdf_estimator(word_counts, min_frequency=2)

# Ordinary least squares regression on the complemantary cumulative distribution function of ranks
# OLS on log(P(R>rank)) ~ log(rank)
# Optional low frequency cut-off
alpha_cdf = zipfanalysis.estimators.ols_regression_cdf.ols_regression_cdf_estimator(word_counts)

# Approximate Bayesian computation (regression method)
# Assumes model of p(rank) = C prob_rank^(-alpha)
# prob_rank is a word's rank in an underlying probability distribution
alpha_abc = zipfanalysis.estimators.approximate_bayesian_computation.abc_estimator(word_counts)

Development Notes

General workflow to use should be:

1. Import data to n vector. E.g. n = zipfanalysis.import_book("filename.txt") n = zipfanlysis.import_list([list of words]) n = zipfanlysis.import_counter(counter_of_words)

2. Carry out analsyis on data e.g. zipfanalysis.n_pdf_regression(n)

3. Also convert to different representations zipfanalysis.convert_to_f(n)