
Distributed project management

git, repo
pip install zoom==0.0.13b2



Build Status

Multi-resource project management tool


This project is still under active development. The command set is likely to change slightly as more commands are added. As it progresses towards an initial release (0.1.0) the command set and core functionality will start to firm up. In an effort to avoid breaking functionality between versions, I will do my best to avoid introducing any breaking changes to the zoomfile (zoom.yml). Thanks for understanding!


zoomfile (zoom.yml)

Added by zoom init and sits in the root directory of the zoom project. Contains a list of all resources used by this zoom project.


Any external resource needed by this project. Whether it is a git repo, a file, etc.


Non-SCM files needed by this project. Currently supported dependencies: files.


SCM repos needed by this project. Currently supported modules: git.


zoom init

Create a new git/zoom project.

zoom include git [--commit COMMIT | --branch BRANCH | --tag TAG] URL [PATH]

Include a git module in a zoom project. By default, the module will be placed relative to the cwd in a directory that matches the name of the git repo. If COMMIT or TAG are set, zoom sync will lock to that respective commit or tag. If BRANCH is set, zoom sync will track that branch, meaning whenever a sync occurs, all of the latest upstream changes will be pulled into that module.

Tracking a branch is great for development but bad for creating a build from the past. Branches get deleted, heads of branches can move, etc. To create older, non-bleeding-edge builds (or CI builds), use zoom sync -e to sync to the exact commit specified in the zoomfile.

zoom include file [--filename FILENAME] URL [PATH]

Include a file dependency in a zoom project. By default, the dependency will be placed relative to the cwd in a directory that matches the name of the file (with extensions removed). If FILENAME is set, zoom sync will download this file and rename it FILENAME.

zoom list

List all resources added to this project.

zoom sync [--force] [--exact] [LIMIT [LIMIT...]]

Ensures all resources have been resolved to the whatever state they are locked to (or tracking, in the case of git modules). If --force is set, zoom will delete the resource before attempting a fresh sync. If a limit is passed, zoom will limit syncing to the specified paths. If --exact is used, zoom will sync all modules to the exact commit stored in the zoomfile, even if that module is tracking a branch.

zoom status

View status for all modules. Currently just wraps 'git status' for all modules.

zoom foreach COMMAND [LIMIT [LIMIT...]]

Run COMMAND across all modules. If a limit is specified, zoom will limit syncing to the specified paths.