
The unofficial bot API for Zulip.

zulip, bot, api, zulipbot
pip install zulipbot==0.0.1



The unofficial Python API for Zulip bots. A Zulip email and API key are needed to use this.

To get your bot's Zulip email and API key, go to your Settings page and scroll down to the Your Bots section.


To install: pip install zulipbot


Identify your Zulip bot's email and API key, and make a new Bot object.

>>> import zulipbot
>>> email = 'foo@bar.baz'
>>> key = 'spammyeggs'
>>> my_bot = zulipbot.Bot(email, key)

Bot Methods

Note: The Bot class inherits from the zulip.Client class.

For an example on how the below methods work together in a program, check out example.py.

subscribe_to_all_streams - Subscribes to all Zulip streams.

send_private_message and send_stream_message both have the same parameters: message_info and content, i.e. the function signature for the two aforementioned methods is send_[[private||stream]]_message(message_info, content).

message_info is the message meta-info dictionary that you acquire from the function callback that processes messages. content is the response that you want your bot to make.

Another method of note is send_message (a zulip.Client method) which I abstracted away in send_private_message and send_stream_message. It takes a dictionary with the keys type, to, content, and subject (optional, subject is only needed for the type stream).

>>> my_bot = zulipbot.Bot(email, key)
>>> my_bot.send_message({
      'type': 'stream',
      'to': 'bot playground', # this is the stream name or user name
      'subject': 'Hello!',
      'content': 'I\'m the newest bot!'