
Simple, low-level rewriter tools for typesetting PLT Redex models




Simple, low level rewriters for PLT Redex typesetting.

See the PLT Redex docs on typesetting for more details. These macros are just a thin layer on top of these mechanics.

Provides the following syntax:


Allows for simple compound-rewriter definitions (refer to redex docs for specific requirements on what a compound rewriter is). Named to highlight similarity to Racket's own match-lambda. Basically, a compound-rewriter for a symbol 'name' will be called for redex terms being typeset that look like (name any ...)

The rw-lambda macro builds rewriters from quasiquote like patterns of the form (rw-lambda [`(name pats ...) => output] ...)

Things not unquoted are matched as literal symbols in the redex term, while things unquoted are treated like standard match patterns.

Example usage:

(define lambda-rw
    [`(lambda ([,x : ,t]) ,body)
     => (list "λ" x ":" t ". " body)]
    [`(lambda ([,x : ,t]) ,body ,bodies ...)
     => (list* "λ" x ":" t ". (begin " body (append bodies (list ")")))]))

This defines a rewriter with two cases, which together allow this rewriter to successfully rewrite PLT Redex terms of the form (lambda ([any : any]) any any ...). Our particular definition removes the parens from around the lambda and adds a begin if there is more than one body expression. In other words, (lambda ([x : t]) e) is typeset to look like λx:t.e, and (lambda ([x : t]) e e) is typeset to look like λx:t.(begin e e).

Note that the sub-terms we are not altering but merely rearranging (e.g. t) will have any other applicablerewriters applied to them as well. So if we had an atomic rewriter converting t to τ, that would still occur, etc...

For more info on compound rewriters, see the redex docs. They are supposed to be functions with signature (listof lw) -> (listof (or/c lw? string? pict?)) which is "rewritten appropriately."


Like with-compound-rewriters for atomic rewriters.

Example usage:

(with-atomic-rws (['lambda "λ"] ['-> ""]) 


Allows for atomic and/or compound rewriters to be specified.

Example usage:

 #:atomic (['Env "Γ"] ['exp "e"] ['ty "τ"] ['-> ""] ['integer "n"])
 #:compound (['lambda lambda-rw]
             ['typeof typeof-rw]
             ['extend extend-rw]
             ['lookup lookup-rw]
             ['val-type val-type-rw])


Defines a macro to reuse sets of rewriters.

Example usage:

(define-rw-context with-stlc-rws
  #:atomic (['Env "Γ"] ['exp "e"] ['ty "τ"] ['-> ""] ['integer "n"])
  #:compound (['lambda lambda-rw]
              ['typeof typeof-rw]
              ['extend extend-rw]
              ['lookup lookup-rw]
              ['val-type val-type-rw]))

(with-stlc-rws render-expr1)
(with-stlc-rws render-expr2)