
Fast cloud command dispatcher tool with Redis pub/sub

gem install abricot -v 0.2



Fast cloud command dispatcher tool with Redis pub/sub.

Abricot was built to run benchmarks on a large amount of machines.

How to use

On each slave:

$ abricot listen

On the master:

$ abricot exec echo hello

Specifying the redis server

Both the slaves and master accept the --redis argument (default is localhost). Example:

$ abricot listen --redis redis://redis-server:port/db

Tagging Slaves

You may tag slaves with multiple tags to allow master to pick which slaves get to execute the job.

$ abricot listen --tags large,ruby

Running a job on the command line

$ abricot exec CMD [ARGS...]

To run a job, you may pass several arguments:

  • -f FILE: Run a script file, which will be uploaded. You may use arbitrary scripts with #!... in the header. Arguments given on the command line are ignored.
  • -n NUM_WORKERS: Run the job on exactly NUM_WORKERS.
  • -t TAG: Run the job only on slaves tagged with TAG.

Running a job programmatically

require 'abricot/master'

@abricot = Abricot::Master.new(:redis => 'redis://localhost/1')

@abricot.exec <<-SCRIPT, :name => "Saying Hello"
  touch /tmp/hello
  sleep 1
  echo "Hello"

@abricot.exec <<-SCRIPT, :name => "Saying Hello"
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
puts "Hello"

@abricot.exec "echo", "Hello"

You may pass the following options to exec():

  • :num_workers: How many workers to run the command/script on.
  • :tag: a string to specify which tagged workers to run on.
  • :async: run the job asynchronously.

Killing any jobs

@abricot.kill_all # kill all jobs running
@abricot.kill_all_jobs # kill all jobs that we started on @abricot

Note that a SIGINT (ctrl+c) will trigger a kill_all_jobs. Killing jobs is done by issuing a SIGTERM, and then 2 seconds later, a SIGKILL if the process did not respond to the SIGTERM.

Running a job programmatically (async)

job1 = @abricot.exec "sleep 2", :async => true
job2 = @abricot.exec "sleep 1", :async => true


Running jobs in batches

@abricot.multi do
  @abricot.exec "sleep 2"
  @abricot.exec "sleep 1"

Running jobs in batches (async)

multi = @abricot.multi :async => true do
  @abricot.exec "sleep 2"
  @abricot.exec "sleep 1"

multi.check_for_failures # returns immediately, raises if any job had a failure
multi.kill # kill all jobs
multi.wait # wait for all jobs

Note that the whole batch will be aborded if one of the command fails, and an exception will be thrown in wait().


You may get the following exceptions when running jobs: Abricot::Master::JobFailure Abricot::Master::NotEnoughSlaves.


Abricot is released under LGPLv3