Make your Mongoid model acts as a list. This acts_as extension provides the capabilities for sorting and reordering a number of objects in a list. The instances that take part in the list should have a +position+ field of type Integer.
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ActsAsList ========== This acts_as extension provides the capabilities for sorting and reordering a number of objects in a list. The class that has this specified needs to have a +position+ column defined as an integer on the mapped database table. Example ======= class TodoList < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :todo_items, :order => "position" end class TodoItem < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :todo_list acts_as_list :scope => :todo_list end todo_list.first.move_to_bottom todo_list.last.move_higher Copyright (c) 2007 David Heinemeier Hansson, released under the MIT license