Generating unique random id for ActiveRecord models
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_random_id end class Group < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_random_id do rand(3_14159265) + 1 end end class Article < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_random_id :field => :secure_identifier do end end
gem install hashtrain-acts_as_random_id --source
As you know rails generates field ID easy auto_incriment. Thus, there is an opportunity to check how many objects in the DB. Sometimes it's secret information.
Using the plugin “acts_as_random_id” could generate a unique value ID. Generation of ID will be until you will find a unique value ID. Of course you go to the full responsibility for the range. By default, the plugin “acts_as_random_id” generates a unique ID in the range of 1 to 2_147_483_647 (mysql and SQLite type integer)
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_random_id end
You can specify a range of transfer method “acts_as_random_id” block where the generator is implemented
class Group < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_random_id do rand(3_14159265) + 1 end end
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