
cocoapods-localsource allows to import local development pods without specifying a path. In your apps Podfile, require the gem and define the local module directory by passing the path to `local_source`. Using this cocoapods plugin allows us to keep all our source code in one central repository while keeping the benefits of a modularized app architecture.

gem install cocoapods-localsource -v 0.0.6


Gem Version

cocoapods-localsource allows to import local development pods without specifying a path.


 $ gem install cocoapods-localsource


In your apps Podfile, require the gem and define the local module directory by passing the path to local_source.

  require 'cocoapods-localsource'

  local_source './LocalModules'

  target 'LocalModulesExample' do
    pod 'Cool' # local development, no longer requires a defined :path

Required folder structure

local_source requires a simple folder structure. All folders contained at the contained path are treated as individual modules. cocoapods-localsource supports multiple podspecs in one module folder.

- LocalModules
-- Local Dependency A
--- A.podspec
-- Local Dependency B
--- B.podspec
--- B-Star.podspec

Example project

An example project can be found here.

Benefits over using a Spec Repository

Using this cocoapods plugin allows us to keep all our source code in one central repository while keeping the benefits of a modularized app architecture. As all local dependencies are imported as development pods, engineers can edit source code without having to unlock the files.