A bootstrap inspired grid system kit for Compass.

gem install gridstrap -v 1.1.2


Compass Gridstrap

Gridstrap is a Bootstrap inspired grid system, for both responsive and non-responsive designs.


Gridstrap is uses HandySASS' responsive mixins. You must have HandySASS installed to use Gridstrap.


From the command line:

(sudo) gem install gridstrap

Add to a project:

// rails: compass.config, other: config.rb
require "gridstrap"

// command line
compass install gridstrap

Or create a new project:

compass -r gridstrap -f gridstrap project_directory


The grid is setup via the gridstrap mixin:

@include gridstrap();

You can use the responsive version by specifying a responsive mode:

@include gridstrap(up);

This implements the mobile-first version of the grid. The different modes are listed below:

  • "up": Mobile first, with the "plain" columns being overridden going up through tablet, desktop and widescreen.
  • "down": Desktop first, with the "plain" columns being overridden going up for widescreen, and down for tablet/mobile.
  • "exact": Isolated, the column rules don"t bubble up, and are localized to their respective breakpoints.
  • "none": No responsive, just a simple grid. You will have to specify the size for the .container when using this.

You can specify the breakpoints used via $sm/md/lg-screen variables. These widths should be the width of the container + the gutter width. For example, $lg-screen: 1200px and $gutter: 30px will result in a container of 1170px.

You can define additional breakpoints by defining them via gridstrap-setup-columns and calling gridstrap-breakpoint with the desired container width and midfix value. Example, for REALLY wide screens:

@include gridstrap-setup-columns('hg');
@include gridstrap-breakpoint(1650px, 'hg');

Gridstrap comes with a few additional classes:

  • .span-: A centered column of a particular column size.
  • .of-: A centered column of 1/Xth the container width.
  • .colof-: A regular column of 1/Xth the container width.
  • .offset-: Offset the column by X columns via margin.
  • .push/pull-: Move the column over by X columns via left/right.

You can toggle these options by setting the $gridstrap-use-? booleans, or with the gridstrap-use mixin:

@include gridstrap-use(span, offset);

Pass a list containing the addons you want to use: span/of/offset/move.