
define schemas as a hash, and validate hashes!

gem install hashidator -v 0.4.1


define schemas as a hash, and validate hashes!

    require 'hashidator'

    schema  = {:name => String, :age => Integer}
    valid   = {:name => "Harry", :age => 20}
    invalid = {:name => 1234, :age => "twenty"}

    h = Hashidator.new(schema)
    h.validate(valid)   #=> true
    h.validate(invalid) #=> false

see examples/basic.rb for full coverage. it knows
classes, ranges, booleans, proc and duck typing. yay!

to release this gem:
 * edit lib/hashidator/version.rb
 * edit CHANGES
 * git commit -am "Release VERSION"
 * rake release

(c) 2009 harry vangberg <harry@vangberg.name>,
         peter suschlik <peter@suschlik.de>

distributed under the mit license. google it.