
IRC bot for HW pinging with the Dream Cheeky Thunder missile launcher

bot, irc, irc-bot, rocketlauncher, ruby
gem install hwping -v 0.3.1



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IRC bot for HW pinging with the Dream Cheeky Thunder missile launcher.


The bot was tested on ruby 2.0.0-p643, but it should work with other versions. It uses libusb for the USB communication and cinch as the IRC client.

gem install hwping


hwping [options]


The bot uses ./config.yml as a configuration file, which is automatically saved upon exit. An alternative configuration file can be specified with the -c/--config-file argument.

The default settings are those:

nick: hwping
server: irc.freenode.net
port: 6667
channels: # an array of channels to listen without the beginning # symbol
  - hwping-test
auth_nicks: # an array of nicks to obey
targets: # a hash in {nick => [x, y]} format specifying the possible targets
  path: /tmp # the folder where the image will be saved

Channel message commands:

  • hwping <nick> - fire a rocket at <nick> when he has been set as a target and is present in the channel's user list

Private message commands:

  • help - displays a help text
  • snap - creates a snapshot with the attached webcamera and returns with its URL
  • panorama - creates a panorama with the attached webcamera and returns with its URL
  • fire - fires a rocket
  • reset - resets the launcher into the default position (bottom-left)
  • position - returns the actual position of the rocket launcher
  • <direction> <ms> - rotates the launcher into the given direction (up, down, left, right) for the given milliseconds
  • target list - displays the list of the available targets
  • target get <nick> - displays the coordinates of <nick>
  • target del <nick> - deletes the coordinates of <nick>
  • target set <nick> - sets the coordinates of <nick> to the actual position
  • target set <nick> <X> <Y> - sets the coordinates of <nick> to right(X), up(Y)


  • Listen to a nick other than hwping
  • High-precision timer for better positioning
  • Event-based solution instead of threads
  • Add a superuser to modify the list of authorized users during runtime


This project is released under the GPLv2 license.


The launcher code in lib/hwping/launcher.rb was inspired by robhurring/thunder.