Runs regular Rails/ActiveRecord migrations via the Percona Toolkit pt-online-schema-change tool.

gem install pt-osc -v 0.2.5


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pt-online-schema-change migrations

Runs regular Rails/ActiveRecord migrations via the Percona Toolkit pt-online-schema-change tool.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'pt-osc'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install pt-osc


Set your database adapter to be mysql_pt_osc in your application's database.yml. Specify pt-online-schema-change flags in a percona hash in the config. e.g.

  host: localhost
  username: root
  database: rails
    defaults-file: /etc/mysql/percona-user.cnf
    recursion-method: "'dsn=D=percona,t=slaves'"

Additional/modified options for the percona hash include:

  • defaults-file: Can be specified as an absolute path (with leading /) or relative (without). Relative paths will be treated as relative to your project's working directory.
  • check-alter: When set to false, ALTER commands will not be checked when executing (same as --no-check-alter)
  • run_mode: Specify 'execute' to actually run pt-online-schema-change when the migration runs. Specify 'print' to output the commands to run to STDOUT instead. Default is 'print'.
  • log: Specify the file used for logging activity. Can be a relative or absolute path.
  • user: By default, the command will use the username given in your standard database config. Specify a username here to override. Specify false to omit username (such as when using a defaults-file.
  • password: By default, the command will use the password given in your standard database config. Specify a password here to override. Specify false to omit password (such as when using a defaults-file.


To run migrations with pt-online-schema-change, you need to explicitly opt them in by changing their parent class to ActiveRecord::PtOscMigration. For instance, if your migration was

class CreateTeams < ActiveRecord::Migration

you should change it to

class CreateTeams < ActiveRecord::PtOscMigration

If you have migrations that you do not want to be run with pt-online-schema-change, leave the same parent class and they will be run normally.


This gem is not considered production ready. There will be bugs.

Requirements and Compatibility
  • 3.2 branch
  • Ruby 1.9.3
  • Ruby 2.0.0
  • Ruby 2.1.2
  • Ruby 2.1 latest
Percona Toolkit
  • 2.2 branch (latest)
  • 2.1 branch (latest)
  • does not work with 2.0 or 1.0 branches

Support for other versions of these tools is unknown and not guaranteed.

pt-osc requires the use of pt-online-schema-change 2.0 or later. Some options may not work with all versions.

pt-osc is compatible with versions 0.5.0 and later of zdennis/activerecord-import. It will not work with earlier versions.