
Makes it easy to run tests against Riak and wipe all data between each test (or whenever you want).

gem install riak_test_server -v 1.1.1


Riak Test Server

Basho has (for good reasons) discontinued support for test servers in their client libraries, but it turns out the critical functionality is built into Riak regardless. This project wraps some drop in code (currently just Ruby) around a Docker container that gives the same functionality and allows rapidly resetting the Riak backend inbetween tests.


  • docker
  • A working docker host environment (I like dvm on OS X)
  • A hostname of docker mapped to the IP of your container host ( for dvm)
  • At least 1Gb available to the docker VM. The base Erlang runtime seems to be a bit of a memory hog. (export DOCKER_MEMORY=1024 for dvm)


Add this line to your application's Gemfile and bundle:

gem 'riak_test_server'

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install riak_test_server



Near the top of test_helper.rb or the like:

require "riak_test_server"


Wherever you want to clear out Riak, say in setup:



You can override a bunch of defaults by passing options to RiakTestServer.setup:

  • :container_host - hostname or IP of the container host [default: "docker"]
  • :http_port - port to expose Riak HTTP on on the container_host [default: "8098"]
  • :pb_port - port to expose Riak Protocol Buffers on on the container_host [default: "8087"]
  • :container_name - name to use for the container when docker run-ing it; handy to change if you want different containers for different apps [default: "riak_test_server"]
  • :repository - supplier of docker images [default: "ntalbott/riak_test_server"]
  • :tag - docker image to use; docker search ntalbott/riak_test_server to see if other Riak versions are available [default: "latest"]
  • :docker_bin - name of the docker binary [default: "docker"]
  • :force_restart - will force the hard restart of any running container (slow) [efault: false]