RT_Client is a ruby object that accesses the REST interface version 1.0 of a Request Tracker instance. See http://www.bestpractical.com/ for Request Tracker.

gem install rt-client -v 1.0.2



RT_Client is a ruby object that accesses the REST interface version 1.0 of a Request Tracker instance. See Best Practical for Request Tracker. A ruby library API to Request Tracker's REST interface. Requires the rubygem rest-client be installed. You can create a file name .rtclientrc in the same directory as client.rb with a default server/user/pass to connect to RT as, so that you don't have to specify it/update it in lots of different scripts.

Thanks to the following members of the RT community for patches:

  • Brian McArdle for patch dealing with spaces in Custom Fields (use '_')
  • Steven Craig for a bug fix and feature additions to the usersearch() method.
  • Rafael Abdo for fixing a broken regex.
  • Extra Special Thanks to Robert Vinson for 1.9.x compatibility and refactoring the old mess into something with much fewer dependencies.
  • Steven Hansen for patch dealing with modern versions of rest-client.

TODO: Streaming, chunking attachments in compose method

See each method for sample usage. To use this, "gem install rt-client" and

require "rt_client"


For usage documentation, see the RubyDoc web site