
An advanced plotting library for Ruby.

gem install rubyplot -v 0.1.pre.a1



An advanced plotting library for Ruby.

Rubyplot aims to be the most advanced visualization solution for Rubyists. It aims to allow you to visualize anything, anywhere with a simple, Ruby-like API.

Roadmap by priority

The release schedule and feature roadmap is as follows. Check issues labelled with the version tags for knowing what we're working on currently. Listed by priority.

Release v0.1.rc1

Deadline: 15 January 2019

  • Support currently available plots fully with various customization options on Axes.
  • Fully automated testing infrastructure. Travis integration with rubocop.
  • Create a 'debug mode' for easy debugging.

Release v0.1.rc2

Deadline: 26 February 2019

  • Integrate GR backend into existing API.
  • Support multiple Axes on the same Figure.
  • Support atleast 3 new kinds of plots.

Release v0.1.rc3

Deadline: 15 April 2019

  • Support atleast 3 new kinds of plots.
  • Support Simple Plotting Interface.
  • Move from using Ruby Arrays to a typed-array based system.

Long term vision

Rubyplot's long term vision, by priority:

  • Integrate the Rubyplot interface with the GR framework.
  • Generate various types of publication quality plots.
  • Interactive plotting using QT/GTK.
  • Interactive or static plots for web backend.