
The win32-sound library provides an interface for playing various sounds on MS Windows operating systems, including system sounds and wave files, as well as querying and configuring sound related properties.

gem install win32-sound -v 0.6.2


= Description
  A library for playing and controlling sounds on MS Windows.

= Prerequisites
  * ffi
  * test-unit 2 (Development only)

= Installation
  gem install win32-sound

= Synopsis
  require 'win32/sound'
  include Win32

  # Play a wav file"somefile.wav")

  # Play a system sound"SystemAsterisk",Sound::ALIAS)

  # Get the current volume of the waveform-audio output device.
  p Sound.volume.join(", ") # left channel, right channel

= Acknowledgements
  API ideas derived (or not) from Perl's Win32::Sound module and Python's
  winsound package.

= Known Bugs
  None that I'm aware of. Please report any bugs on the project page
= Future Plans
  Add ability to retrieve information about WAV files.
  Add MIDI support?

= Developer's Notes
  The MessageBeep() function, which the Python "winsound" module contains,
  is intentionally omitted here. I felt it was redundant, because you can
  achieve the same effect with something like this:"SystemAsterisk", Sound::ALIAS).
= License
  Artistic 2.0

= Copyright
  (C) 2004-2017, Daniel J. Berger, All Rights Reserved

= Warranty
  This package is provided "as is" and without any express or
  implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
  warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

= Author(s)
  Daniel Berger
  Park Heesob
  Dominic Muller