
Let your user pinch, drag and tap (zoom-in, zoom-out) your beautiful thumbnails.

gem install workarea-jquery_zoom -v 1.0.0


Workarea Jquery Zoom

Note: This work is in progress and part of the workarea-zoom plugin.


Jquery Zoom add image zoom capabilities on touch enabled devices and is a great candidate for phone/tablet devices.

Getting Started

This gem contains a rails engine that must be mounted onto a host Rails application.

To access Workarea gems and source code, you must be an employee of WebLinc or a licensed retailer or partner.

Workarea gems are hosted privately at You must have individual or team credentials to install gems from this server. Add your gems server credentials to Bundler:

bundle config my_username:my_password

Or set the appropriate environment variable in a shell startup file:

export BUNDLE_GEMS__WEBLINC__COM='my_username:my_password'

Then add the gem to your application's Gemfile specifying the source:

# ...
gem 'workarea-jquery_zoom', source: ''
# ...

Or use a source block:

# ...
source '' do
  gem 'workarea-jquery_zoom'
# ...

Update your application's bundle.

cd path/to/application

The Gem will mount two assets in your application (hammerjs / workarea-jquery-zoom).


    <div class="zoom">
        <div data-zoom-src="" class="zoom__container">
            <img src="" class="zoom__image">
.zoom {
    width: 320px;

.zoom__container {
    position: relative;

.zoom__image {
    display: block;
    width: 100%;
    min-width: 100%;
$(document).ready(function() {


You have the ability to pass your options like this:

    lazyLoad: true,
    deltaScale: 0.05,
    url: null

Different options are available:

Name Default Description
lazyLoad true If set to true, jquery.zoom will lazy load the zoom image when the user clicks for the first time on the container
deltaScale 0.05 What is the increment scale you want to use when scale up/down
url null The url of the zoom image, if not defined, jquery.zoom will fetch the attribute data-zoom-srcgiven.


You can destroy the widget for the instance given, it's helpful when you want to go back to a clean state.

// Create instance

// Remove instance

Workarea Platform Documentation

See for Workarea platform documentation.

Copyright & Licensing

Copyright WebLinc 2017. All rights reserved.

For licensing, contact