Core threading library for Perfect Server Side Swift. Includes support for serial and concurrent thread queues, locks, read/write locks and events.

perfect, server-side-swift, swift, threading



Core threading package used in Perfect. Includes support for serial and concurrent thread queues, locks, read/write locks and events.

Repository Layout

We have finished refactoring Perfect to support Swift Package Manager. The Perfect project has been split up into the following repositories:

  • Perfect - This repository contains the core PerfectLib and will continue to be the main landing point for the project.
  • PerfectTemplate - A simple starter project which compiles with SPM into a stand-alone executable HTTP server. This repository is ideal for starting on your own Perfect based project.
  • PerfectDocs - Contains all API reference related material.
  • PerfectExamples - All the Perfect example projects and documentation.
  • PerfectEverything - This umbrella repository allows one to pull in all the related Perfect modules in one go, including the servers, examples, database connectors and documentation. This is a great place to start for people wishing to get up to speed with Perfect.
  • PerfectServer - Contains the PerfectServer variants, including the stand-alone HTTP and FastCGI servers. Those wishing to do a manual deployment should clone and build from this repository.
  • Perfect-Redis - Redis database connector.
  • Perfect-SQLite - SQLite3 database connector.
  • Perfect-PostgreSQL - PostgreSQL database connector.
  • Perfect-MySQL - MySQL database connector.
  • Perfect-MongoDB - MongoDB database connector.
  • Perfect-FastCGI-Apache2.4 - Apache 2.4 FastCGI module; required for the Perfect FastCGI server variant.

The database connectors are all stand-alone and can be used outside of the Perfect framework and server.

Further Information

For more information on the Perfect project, please visit