Simple logger framework with JSON serialization/deserialization and concurrency




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OSULogger is a relatively simple logging library the provides some unique features. Getting started is easy, simply add us to your Package.swift file, add an import to OSULogger and log a message OSULogger.sharedLogger().log("Hello world.", severity: .Information)

JSON and XML Serialization

OSULogger will let you load and save logs using JSON and XML. This can be a useful feature in cases where you may have a distrbuted architecture and want to coalesce logging onto a master node, client application or monitor. To access the logging in JSON use the jsonRep computed property, and similarly the xmlRep for the XML representation.


OSULogger allows the user to supply a list of observers that will be notified when new events occur. To add an observer, simply append a type that conforms to the OSULoggerObserver protocol to the observers array.

Unique features

  • Custom severity levels. Using the .Custom() severity, you can provide a string that indicates the importance of the message you're logging
  • Log and Event equality checking. Curious whether two logs are the same? Want to check whether the same message appears in other logs? Equality FTW.
  • OSULogger's swift class can be used from C. To achieve this, you'll need to provide some extra path information to the compiler, like so:

We'll use gcc in this case, but it should work with clang. First, we include the swift library directory for the compiler using -L ${SWIFT_LIB_PATH}. Next, we have to provide the linker with that path again, but this time as a runtime path using -Wl,-rpath,${SWIFT_LIB_PATH}. Then we have the typical stuff where we provide the output filename using -o test, and the input file ../test.c. Finally, we have to tell the compiler and linker about OSULogger. To do that, we provide it the artisnal, hand-crafted, C header in the Headers directory -- -I Headers/, provide the project library path to the compiler using -L .build/debug, tell the linker to link with OSULogger -- -lOSULogger and tell the linker where to find it at runtime -Wl,-rpath,`pwd`/.build/debug. Put it all together and you have:

gcc -L ${SWIFT_LIB_PATH} -Wl,-rpath,${SWIFT_LIB_PATH} -o test ../test.c -I Headers/ -L .build/debug/ -lOSULogger -Wl,-rpath,`pwd`/.build/debug

An example C program that makes use of this is as simple as this:

#include "OSULogger/OSULogger.h"

int main()
    OSULog(kOSULogSeverityInformation, "Logging from C!");
    return 0;

I also encourage you to try out the example project (along with its Makefile) in the CExample directory.