RAMReel is a controller that allows you to choose options from a list




Swift 2.1 CocoaPods CocoaPods Twitter Travis

Controller that allows you to choose options from a list, like in our shot on dribble animated


  • iOS 8.0+
  • Swift 2.1


We recommend using CocoaPods to install our library.

Just put this in your Podfile:

pod 'RAMReel'


In order to use our control you need to implement the following:


Now you can use those types as generic parameters of type declaration of RAMReel:

RAMReel<CellClass, TextFieldClass, DataSource>


Next you need to create an instance of RAMReel, and for that you need the following:

  • frame: CGRect: Rect, specifying where you want to put the control.
  • dataSource: DataSource: the source of data for the reel.
  • placeholder: String (optional): Placeholder text; by default, an empty string is used.
  • hook: DataSource.ResultType -> Void (optional): Action to perform on element selection, nil by default. You can add additional hooks later, if you need multiple actions performed.

Let's use it to create an instance of RAMReel:

let ramReel = RAMReel<CellClass, TextFieldClass, DataSource>(frame: frame, dataSource: dataSource, placeholder: placeholder, hook: hook)

Putting on the view

And the final step, showing RAMReel on your view:

ramReel.view.autoresizingMask = [.FlexibleWidth, .FlexibleHeight]

If you have visual problems, try calling prepareForViewing before showing your view.

Like this:

override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {


If you want to change RAMReel look and feel, you can use theming.

To do so, you just to have to implement the Theme protocol in your class/structure and set your RAMReel object's theme property to your theme.

Or you can just use the predefined instance of type RAMTheme.

let textColor: UIColor
let listBackgroundColor: UIColor
let font: UIFont

let theme = RAMTheme(textColor: textColor, listBackgroundColor: listBackgroundColor, font: font)



See more at RAMReel docs


The project maintained by app development agency Ramotion Inc. See our other open-source projects or hire us to design, develop, and grow your product.

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