Automatic Release Tool for Git repository using bash shell

release, deploy, publish, package, version, tag, changelog, automation, ci, npm, github, appveyor, commit, commitlint
npm install general-release@0.0.19


General Release

Appveyor Travis Version Downloads

Automatic Release Tool for Git repository using bash shell


  • Release version
    • Analyze the release/pre-release version from the commits after the last git-tag
    • Specifies the release/pre-release version number
    • Increment the release/pre-release version at the specified level based on the last git-tag
  • Generate release note
    • Generate the release note from the commits after the last git-tag
  • Generate changelog
  • Git commit, tag, push
  • CI support
    • Appveyor
    • Travis
    • CircleCI
    • GitlabCI
    • Jenkins
  • Archive files (use gzip plugin)
  • Create release at GitHub (use github plugin)
  • Create release at NPM (use npm plugin)
  • Create release at Yum (use yum plugin)
  • Create release at Maven (use maven plugin)
  • Update appveyor build details (use appveyor plugin)
  • Custom plugin
  • Validate the commit message
  • Tools: commit template and commit linter


  • Bash Shell
  • Git (>=1.17.0)

Commit Message Format

Each commit message consists of one or more headers and bodies. The header has a special format that includes a type, a scope and a subject:

<type>(<scope>): <subject>

<type>(<scope>): <subject>

The header is mandatory and the scope of the header is optional.

Release Rule Configuration (yml)

  • The Config Fields
Field Name Field Type Description
tag_repo string Git repository URL, default: [auto]
Get the url with command: git config --get remote.origin.url
tag_prefix string Prefix of the Git tag , default: v
release_note string Release Note, default: [auto]
Analyze the commits after the last Git tag by the rules defined in the configuration
changelog string Generante the changelog file, default:
commit string[] Git commit files, default:
commit_message string Commit message template, default: chore(release): {tag} [skip ci], the format variables:
- version: Release version
- channel: Release channel
- prerelease: Pre-release id
- tag: Release Git tag
commit_note boolean Commit with release note, default: true
plugins string[] Plugins
- github [--file, --token] [options]
- npm [--registry, --access, --token] [options]
- appveyor [options]
- [options]
branchs object[] The branch config
    branchs[].pattern regexp required: Pattern of the release branch name
    branchs[].channel string Publish channel
    branchs[].prerelease string Pre-release id
rules object[] Rules for release version analyzer and release note generator
    rules[].type regexp required: Pattern of the commit type
    rules[].scope regexp Pattern of the commit scope
    rules[].release string The Release type:major, minor, patch, none, default none
    rules[].prerelease string The Pre-release type: major, minor, patch, prerelease, none, default: prerelease
    rules[].note string Title of the release note
    rules[].body boolean Include the commit body to release note
  • general-release looks the config file at .release.yml
  • Use --config or -c to use another path
  • The default configuration: release.yml



  • Download general-release

    # download
    curl -L -s$(curl -L -s -H 'Accept: application/json' | sed -e 's/.*"tag_name":"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/')/ -o
    unzip -o -d general-release
    rm -f
  • Release

    # deploy with github plugin
    general-release/bin/ -c .release.yml -p "github -f" --debug
    # or
    general-release/bin/ deploy -c .release.yml -p "github -f" --debug
    # dry-run mode
    general-release/bin/ -c .release.yml -p "github -f" --debug --dry-run
  • Preview Release

    general-release/bin/ preview -c .release.yml --debug
    # or
    general-release/bin/ --no-deploy -c .release.yml --debug
  • Release with the specialed version

    # release with specified version: 1.0.0
    general-release/bin/ -v 1.0.0
    # release with specified version on the specified channel
    general-release/bin/ -v 1.0.0@next
    # release with specified pre-release version
    general-release/bin/ -v 1.0.0-alpha
    # release with specified pre-release version on the specified channel
    general-release/bin/ -v 1.0.0-alpha@next
    # increment the version by the specified level from the last git-tag
    general-release/bin/ -v minor
    # increment the version by the specified level on the specified channel from the last git-tag
    general-release/bin/ -v minor@next
    # increment the pre-release version by the specified level from the last git-tag
    general-release/bin/ -v pre-alpha
    # increment the pre-release version by the specified level on the specified channel from the last git-tag
    general-release/bin/ -v pre-alpha@next
  • Validate the commit message

    general-release/bin/ validate -c .release.yml "feat: test"
  • Install the Tools: commit-linter, commit-template

    # install commit template and commit linter
    general-release/bin/ install -c .release.yml
    # of
    general-release/bin/ install -c .release.yml --commit-lint --commit-template
    # install commit template
    general-release/bin/ install -c .release.yml --commit-template
    # install commit template on the specified file
    general-release/bin/ install -c .release.yml --template ./commit-template
  • Uninstall the Tools: commit-linter, commit-template

    # uninstall commit template and commit linter
    general-release/bin/ uninstall
    # of
    general-release/bin/ uninstall --commit-lint --commit-template
    # uninstall commit template
    general-release/bin/ uninstall --commit-template
  • Print Usage

    general-release/bin/ -h
    general-release/bin/ deploy -h
    general-release/bin/ preview -h
    general-release/bin/ validate -h
    general-release/bin/ install -h
    general-release/bin/ uninstall -h


  • Set the default options in package.json with releaseConfig property
Property Property Type Description
releaseConfig.config string The config file, default: .release.yml or node_modules/general-release/src/release.yml
releaseConfig.commitTemplate string The path of generated commit template file, default: .gitmessage boolean, string, string[] Auto install/uninstall the tools: commit-template, commit-lint, default: true
- true: Install/Uninstall all tools on install/uninstall general-release
- false: Not install/uninstall any tools on install/uninstall general-release
- string, string[]: Install/Uninstall the specified tools on install/uninstall general-release
  • e.g.
  "releaseConfig": {
    "config": "config/release.yml",
    "commitTemplate": "config/commit_template",
    "tools": true
  • Install general-release

    npm install -g general-release
    # or
    npm install -D general-release
  • Release

    # deploy with github and npm plugin
    npx general-release -c .release.yml -p "github -f" -p npm --debug
    # or
    npx general-release deploy -c .release.yml -p "github -f" -p npm --debug
    # dry-run mode
    npx general-release -c .release.yml -p "github -f" -p npm --debug --dry-run
  • Preview Release

    npx general-release preview -c .release.yml --debug
    # or
    npx general-release --no-deploy -c .release.yml --debug
  • Release with the specialed version

    # release with specified version: 1.0.0
    npx general-release -v 1.0.0
    # release with specified version on the specified channel
    npx general-release -v 1.0.0@next
    # release with specified pre-release version
    npx general-release -v 1.0.0-alpha
    # release with specified pre-release version on the specified channel
    npx general-release -v 1.0.0-alpha@next
    # increment the version by the specified level from the last git-tag
    npx general-release -v minor
    # increment the version by the specified level on the specified channel from the last git-tag
    npx general-release -v minor@next
    # increment the pre-release version by the specified level from the last git-tag
    npx general-release -v pre-alpha
    # increment the pre-release version by the specified level on the specified channel from the last git-tag
    npx general-release -v pre-alpha@next
  • Validate the commit message

    npx general-release validate -c .release.yml "feat: test"
  • Install the Tools: commit-linter, commit-template

    # install commit template and commit linter
    npx general-release install -c .release.yml
    # of
    npx general-release install -c .release.yml --commit-lint --commit-template
    # install commit template
    npx general-release install -c .release.yml --commit-template
    # install commit template on the specified file
    npx general-release install -c .release.yml --template ./commit-template
  • Uninstall the Tools: commit-linter, commit-template

    # uninstall commit template and commit linter
    npx general-release uninstall
    # of
    npx general-release uninstall --commit-lint --commit-template
    # uninstall commit template
    npx general-release uninstall --commit-template
  • Print Usage

    npx general-release -h
    npx general-release deploy -h
    npx general-release preview -h
    npx general-release validate -h
    npx general-release install -h
    npx general-release uninstall -h

Plugin API

  • Usage

    general-release/bin/ -p "github -f --debug" -p "npm --debug" -p " --debug"
  • ./src/

    • Methods
Name Type Description
bootstrap function(...) Running the plugin, bootstrap "$@"
plugin_state function() Print running state of the plugin
print_usage function() Print usage
plugin_debug function(msg, ...) Print debug
plugin_info function(msg, ...) Print info
plugin_warn function(msg, ...) Print warn
plugin_error function(msg, ...) Print error
plugin_exit_error function(int exit_code?, msg, ...) Exit and print error
plugin_exit_erron function(int condition?,int exit_code?, msg, ...) Exit and print error on condition != 0
  • Extensions
Name Type Description
plugin_name string The plugin name
plugin_arg function(opt_name, opt_value) Option parser of the plugin
plugin_init function(hook) Initial callback of the plugin, called before execute hook
plugin_{hook} string Command of the plugin hook
plugin_usage function() Print usage message
plugin_options function() Print plugin options
  • Plugin Context
Name Type Description
hook string The plugin hook
env_file file path Output the release variables(branch, rp) on load hook
git_repo string Git repository url
branch string Branch name
tag_prefix string Prefix of the git-tag
prev_tag string The last release git-tag
tag string Release git-tag
version string Release version
channel string Release channel
prerelease string Pre-release id
release_note string Release note
dry_run "true" Is dry run
DEBUG "true" Is debug mode
COLOR_LOG "true" Is color log mode

Plugin Hooks

Hook Name Description
load On release loading, output the release variables(branch, rp) to $env_file
version Called after release version analyzed
before_deploy Called before deploy
deploy Called on deploy
after-deploy Called after deploy
deploy-failed Called after deploy

How to write a custom plugin ?


# include plugin libary
source $(dirname $BASH_SOURCE)/../lib/

# the plugin name
plugin_name="plugin name"

# command of the plugin hooks

plugin_before_deploy="print_state && hook_before_deploy"

# the option parser

function plugin_arg() {
	case "$1" in
		# eat 2 argument
		return 2
		# eat 1 argument
		return 1
	# unkown option
	return 0

# print the options
function plugin_options(){
  color_log "<g>  --test1                       [string] Test string option
  --test2                       [enable] Test enable option"

# print the plugin state
function print_state() {
	plugin_debug "Options:<g>
  test_option1                  <y>%s</>
  test_option2                  <y>%s</>" \
		"$test_option1" \

# initial plugin before execute hook
function plugin_init(){
	# do something ...

# example hook[load]
function hook_load() {
	# do something ...

	# out variables
	echo "rp=" > $env_file

# example hook[version]
function hook_version() {
	if [[ $version ]]; fi
		plugin_debug "the release version is $version"
		plugin_debug "no release version"
	# do something ...

# example hook[before-deploy]
function hook_before_deploy() {
	if [[ ! $dry_run ]]; then
		# do something ...
		# do something ...

# example hook[deploy]
function hook_deploy() {
	if [[ ! $dry_run ]]; then
		# do something ...
		# do something ...

# bootstrap the plugin
bootstrap "$@"


Gzip Plugin

Archive files by tar

  • Usage

      gzip [<options>] [<path>...]
    Plugin Options
      -o,--output                   [string] Write the archive to this file(.tar.gz)
      -d,--dry-run                  [enable] Skip publishing, default: false
      --debug                       [enable] Enable debug logging, default: false
      --no-color                    [enable] Disable the color output, default: false
      -h,--help                     Print usage

NPM Plugin

Publish a npm package

  • Usage

      npm [<options>]
    Plugin Options
      -r,--registry                 [string] NPM registry URL, default:
      -a,--access                   [string] Package access, default: public
      -t,--token                    [string] NPM auth token, default: ENV:NPM_TOKEN
      -d,--dry-run                  [enable] Skip publishing, default: false
      --debug                       [enable] Enable debug logging, default: false
      --no-color                    [enable] Disable the color output, default: false
      -h,--help                     Print usage

GitHub Plugin

Create a release at gitHub

  • Usage

      github [<options>]
    Plugin Options
      -f,--file                     [string] Add a publish file
      -t,--token                    [string] GitHub auth token, default: ENV:GITHUB_TOKEN
      -d,--dry-run                  [enable] Skip publishing, default: false
      --debug                       [enable] Enable debug logging, default: false
      --no-color                    [enable] Disable the color output, default: false
      -h,--help                     Print usage

Appveyor Plugin

Write Build Details on Appveyor

  • Usage

      appveyor [<options>]
    Plugin Options
      -d,--dry-run                  [enable] Skip publishing, default: false
      --debug                       [enable] Enable debug logging, default: false
      --no-color                    [enable] Disable the color output, default: false
      -h,--help                     Print usage
