
This is my personal package

git, django, deploying, devops
pip install axju==0.0.3



Gitter Twitter

This small project help me, to automate boring stuff. It started with deploying django, but where will coming more. Hopefully


pip install axju

Quick start

Create the file (and directory) ~/worker/, with the following:

from axju.generic import BasicWorker

class Worker(BasicWorker):
    steps = {
            'func': 'hello',
    def hello(self):
        print('Hello world')

To run your worker execute:

axju simple

Write more worker in your worker-folder. You can run them with:

axju "filename of the worker"

How to uses

The basic entry point is the command axju. This is a loader to different worker. You can write you own worker or uses or the predefined ones.

Show the different worker:

axju --show

For now, this show the predefined worker. You have several ways to define your own. A single file, dynamical import of a single class or a directory with multiple worker.

There are some examples in the example folder. To run the simple worker uses:

axju --file examples/worker/

Your own file only have to define a class called Worker. This class should be inherited from the Basic Worker, to give you some basic functionality. If you need more functions use other basic class like ExecutionWorker or TemplateWorker. The script also create a worker object an call the cli function:

if __name__ == '__main__':
  w = Worker()

This three liens make it possible, to execute the file directly with python:

python examples/

The command:

axju --cls axju.worker.django.DjangoWorker

load the predefined django worker. Maybe you wanted to write you own package with your worker. This is how you can run them.

You can also load multiple worker by load multiple files, class or use the dir argument. It is also possible to combine this. But usual you will use the dir argument. Create a folder with all your worker, load and show them:

axju --dir examples/worker --show

To run the simple work, set the worker argument:

axju --dir examples/worker simple

This command is equal to:

axju --file examples/worker/

If you save your worker under ~/worker/, the loader will yours. Otherwise the predefined will be load. If you copy the worker-folder form the examples to your home directory. You can run:

axju simple


Some predefined worker have a single entry point:



Clone repo:

git clone

Create virtual environment and update dev-tools:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade wheel pip setuptools twine tox

Install local:

pip install -e .

Run some tests:

python test

Make the documentation:

docs/make.bat html

Publish the packages:

python sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/*