Python modules to execute command on remote network device based on pexpect.

pip install netdevice==1.2.6




Python modules to execut command on remote network device.

  1. Introduction

networkdevice is a python module that allow you run command on remote network devices just like locally.

For example, define a network devices and show the interface on it, it's especially useful for network test automation:

pc = networkdevice.LinuxDevice(device)
print pc.cmd("ifconfig")

See demo/ for examples and use help command show the documents.

import from networkdevice import junos, linux
  1. Feature

    1. Python Based: Plenty of feature
    2. Environmentally friendly: can run anywhere where there is python and connect to the devices.
    3. Easy to Learn: Don't need to know anything about Python
    4. Easy to write: One case only have several to dozens of lines.
    5. Faster: run the testbed from local and is much faster.
    6. object oriented: Flexible and Easy to extend
    7. WYWIWYT(What you write is what you think): Not write SCRIPT, but write ACTION and THOUGHT
  2. Test architecture based on networkdevice

        |                                 |            | case1                |
        |                                 |            +----------------------+
        |  One case                       | Test Suite | ...                  |
        |                                 |            +----------------------+
        |                                 |            | caseN                |
        |  networkdevice                                                      |
        |                                                                     |
        |  PC1                  DUT                  DUT                      |
        |  +---------------+    +---------------+    +---------------+        |
        |  | Linux devices |    | Junos devices |    | Cisco devices |  ...   |
        |  +---------------+    +---------------+    +---------------+        |
        |                       | Linux devices |    | Linux devices |  ...   |
        |                       +---------------+    +---------------+        |
                Figure 1. test Architecture based on networkdevice
  3. An example

     #!/usr/bin/env python
     from networkdevice import cisco, junos, linux
     tangshan = {
             "name": "tangshan",
             "host": "tangshan",
             "username": "dev",
             "password": "1234",
             "root_password": "5678",
             "interface": [
                 { "ip": "", "ip6": "2001::2/64", "name": "fe-0/0/2.0", "zone": "untrust" },
                 { "ip": "", "ip6": "2004::1/64", "name": "fe-0/0/6.0", "zone": "trust" }],
             "preconfig": [ "set routing-options static route next-hop"] 
     ent_vm01 = { "name": "ent-vm01",
             "host": "ent-vm01",
             "prompt": "root@ent-vm01 ~",
             "username": "root",
             "password": "5678",
     if __name__ == '__main__':
                              |  server  |
                                   | int0
                                   | int0
                              |   DUT    |
                                   | int1
                                   | int0
                              |  client  |
         # Use device descriptor to create a linux and junos device
         dut = junos.JunosDevice(tangshan)
         client = linux.LinuxDevice(ent_vm01)
         # Use parameter list to create a linux device
         server = linux.LinuxDevice(name = "ent-vm02", host = "ent-vm02",
                 prompt = "root@ent-vm02 ~", username = "root", password = "5678")
         # Dump all the dut's attributes
         # execute a non-interactive command and return the result
         print client.cmd('date')
         # execute an interactive command
         client.cmd('ftp', expect = "Name")
         client.cmd('%s' %(server["username"]), expect = "Password")
         client.cmd('%s' %(server["password"]), expect = "ftp")
         print client.cmd('ls', expect = "ftp")
         # check session on the Juniper srx firewall
         print dut.cli('show security flow session application ftp')
         # check session in dict format
         displayed = dut.cli('show security flow session application ftp',
                 format = "dict",
         print "Total %s session found" %(displayed['flow-session-information']['displayed-session-count'])
         # tear down the ftp session