An elasticsearch wrapper for Django

elasticsearch, django, springy, declarative, python, python2, python3, wrapper
pip install springy==0.3.13




Springy is a Django wrapper for elasticsearch.

Originally based on BungieSearch, but with many conceptual changes. It is written almost from scratch.

Design and goals

Springy is build over elasticsearch-dsl-py and elasticsearch-py.

Springy goals:

  • easy, queryset-like index querying
  • crossindex querying,
  • easy and fast indices managing,
  • easy document creation and validation,
  • mapping models to documents,
  • Django management commands,
  • multiple elastic databases/connections support,
  • connections routing,
  • automated document updates on model updates.

Current status

  • querying is available via extended Search class provided by elasticsearch-dsl, which is wrapped in Index class
  • index managing supports initialize and clear operations
  • support for bulk create/update
  • updating index from QuerySet or any generator/iterable
  • simple composition layer for mapping models to documents (Index)

Springy is under development. Use at own risk.

Connections configuration

Springy requires connections configuration to be set in your project' settings module as an ELASTIC_DATABASES dictionary. Configuration is similar to Django DATABASES dictionary.

The default connection name/alias is called default.

Databases configuration is passed through to ElasticSearch-DSL conncetions.configure(), so for the details please look at

Minimalistic configuration:

    'default': {
       'hosts': 'localhost',

High-Level API

High-Level API is located in springy namespace. To work with these shortcut methods you should call springy.autodisover() on application startup.

Available methods:

  • springy.autodiscover() - find and register search indices in whole Django project
  • springy.index(name) - retrieve Index instance by its name
  • springy.query(*indices) - query specified indices by their names, returns Search lazy object
  • springy.multisearch(index_name=None) - construct MultiSearch object with optional index to perform multisearch queries
  • springy.parse(input_query_string) - instantiate Search with DisMax query parser for specified input

Autodiscover and index registration

Indices are automatically registered at the import time, so they must be imported explicite via import command or autodiscovered by Springy.

The minimal requirements for Django application are:

  • put your app (my_app for example) into INSTALLED_APPS
  • define indices in module
  • call springy.autodiscover() somewhere, for example in your project urls module.

You can autodiscover any module in your apps. Just provide module name as an argument for springy.autodiscover(). The default is set to search.


Defining an index

This declaration maps Product model into products index. A proper doctype is automatically generated from specified fields and model definition.

import springy

class ProductIndex(springy.Index):
    class Meta:
        index = 'products'
        model = Product
        fields = ('name', 'description', 'price', 'default_picture')

    def get_query_set(self):
        return super(ProductIndex, self).get_query_set().filter(is_published=True)

Warning! This API may be changed. ElasticSearch supports many DocTypes in one index, but index structure is shared between all. Index declaration will be separated from doctype/models mappings.

Index initialization

idx = ProductIndex()


idx = ProductIndex()

Indexing one model instance:

idx = ProductIndex()
obj = Product.objects.get(id=1)

Indexing a queryset:

idx = ProductIndex()


idx = ProductIndex()
result = idx.query_string('mouse OR keyboard')

Result is a IterableSearch instance, a "lazy" object, which inherits directly from Search (see elasticsearch-dsl for more information and API).

Index provides some useful query shortcuts:

  • all() - return all documents
  • filter() - shortcut to Search.filter()
  • query() - shortcut to Search.query()
  • query_string() - wrapper for querying by "query string" using DisMax parser.

Clearing and dropping index

To remove all documents from index:

idx = ProductIndex()

To drop index just call:






  • introduced Index.prepare_object() method for easy overriding
  • index updating via initialize management command


  • Initial support for ElasticSearch 5.x


  • Added support for Python 3 (Django 1.7.x only for Python 3.4)
  • Supported Django versions are 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11