Package diff contains high level routines that generate a textual diff. It is implemented in terms of the other packages in this module. If you want fine-grained control, want to inspect a diff programmatically, want to provide a context for cancellation, need to diff gigantic files that don't fit in memory, or want to diff unusual things, use the lower level packages.

go get


diff GoDoc

Module can be used to create, modify, and print diffs.

The top level package, diff, contains convenience functions for the most common uses.

The subpackages provide very fine-grained control over every aspect:

  • myers creates diffs using the Myers diff algorithm.
  • edit contains the core diff data types.
  • ctxt provides tools to reduce the amount of context in a diff.
  • write provides routines to write diffs in standard formats.

License: BSD 3-Clause.


Contributions are welcome. However, I am not always fast to respond. I apologize for any sadness or frustration that that causes.

Useful background reading about diffs:

This module has not yet reached v1.0; the API is not yet settled (issue #18).