
MyAppConverter InstaSwift: an Xcode plugin allowing you to convert Objective-C code snippets into Swift instantly.



The only plugin that lets you convert your Objective-C code snippets to Swift, instantly and directly into your Xcode console.

#Install Past this into your teminal:

curl -fsSl | sh

InstaSwift is available for Xcode 7+ only   

#Uninstall Delete the plugin

rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/instaSwift.xcplugin


  1. Select your Objective-C code
  2. Right click on selected code > Convert to Swift
  3. Get your Swift translated code from the Xcode console

#Info InstaSwift is still a work in progress that will be updated regularly, also please note that InstaSwift is and will stay a snippet code translator.

If you want to port your complete Objective-C project to Swift please refer to our full project converter that you can access via your Dashboard for free.

If you have any feedback or comment please post it on the forum, so we can work on improving your experience on InstaSwift.