SCXcodeMinimap v2.3
SCXcodeMiniMap is a Xcode plugin that adds a source editor Minimap to Xcode.
- Custom size
- Custom themes
- Highlighting:
- search results
- comments and preprocessor directives
- breakpoints
- build errors and warnings
- Xcode's "instances of selected symbol" (Preferences/Text Editing)
- Can autohide for small files
- Can hide the main editor scroller
- Shows code foldings
All options are configurable through the View/Minimap menu item
Without editor highlighting | With editor highlighting |
Through Alcatraz
or download the sources, build the project and restart Xcode
or download from the releases tab, unzip and move it to the Xcode plugins folder ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/SCXcodeMinimap.xcplugin
If you encounter any issues you can uninstall it by removing the ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/SCXcodeMinimap.xcplugin folder
SCXcodeMiniMap is released under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (see the LICENSE file)
Any suggestions or improvements are more than welcome. Feel free to contact me at or @stefanceriu.