
Upload images in an elegant way with this AngularJS directive

bower install angular-image-uploader



Upload images in an elegant way with this AngularJS directive.

how it works

A form is hidden behind the image you choose to display. The user can click on the image, which allows them to select a new image file and upload to the url chosen. The image will automatically replace itself once the image has been uplaoded successfully. This is all done asynchronously.

Developers can also set their own loading symbol and error handling if they so choose to.

browser support

Tested and verified to work in Google Chrome & Safari.


This directive is jQuery free.


bower install angular-image-uploader


Make sure you include the module in your application config

angular.module('myApp', [

Provide options in your controller.

angular.module('myApp').controller('ImageCtrl', function ($scope) {
  $scope.imageOptions = {
    read: <url_to_read_image_from>,
    write: <url_to_write_image_to>,
    enabled: true,
    error: function (event, response) {
      console.log('error, ', response);
    success: function (event, response) {
      console.log('success, ', response);

And use the directive

<div image-uploader="imageOptions"></div>

If you would like to have a loading symbol while the upload is happening, you can simply use css

.fileUpload .fileUpload-loading {
  background: ...