
a service for assertions in angularJS

angularjs, assertions
bower install angular-nsv-assertions


assertions for angularJS

This module provides a service for assertions in angularJS. It allows to activate and de-activate assertions globally via its ServiceProvider.

Why use assertions

Read this:

How to install this module

You may either download the file angular-nsv-assertions.js manually or use bower to also track it as an dependency for your project:

bower install angular-nsv-assertions --save

How to integrate assertions into your app

Make angular-nsv-assertion a depedency for your application:

 angular.module('yourApp', ['angular-nsv-assertions', ... ]);

Inject angular-nsv-assertion.AssertService into each controller, directive, service etc. you want to use it in. As it consists only of one method, you want to give it a short name. I recommend assert and will use this name throughout this manual:

angular.module('yourApp').controller('YourCtrl', [
	function (assert) {

Make assertions

How to make assertions

The easiest way to make an assertion is to just give a boolean argument to the AssertService:

assert(myVar > 0);
assert(myVar < 10);

When the condition holds true everythings is fine and your script will work as normal. However, if the condition is false an AssertionError error will be raised.

If you want to set an individual message in the raised error, you may provide it as a second argument to the AssertService:

assert(angular.isNumber(myVar), 'myVar is not a number');
assert(myVar > 0, 'myVar is to small');
assert(myVar < 10, 'myVar is to big');

You may also provide an error object of your own that will be raised instead of the standard AssertionError:

assert(angular.isNumber(myVar), (new TypeError('myVar is of the wrong type'));

Instead of a boolean value, the first argument may also be a function that returns a boolean value:

assert(function () {
	return aReallyBigArray.indexOf(myVar) !== -1;

This is especially usefull if you are concerned about the performace of your assertions. If your assertion consists of a function this function will only be invoked when assertions are enabled. If you disable the assertions it will not be invoked at all.

How to disable assertions

You may easily disable assertions via the AssertServiceProvider in the config of your app:

	function (AssertServiceProvider) {

The AssertServiceProvider has one method only: enable(). If its argument is false assertions will be disabled for all your application. Actually, the AssertService will be replaced by angular.noop.