
End user column visibility options plug-in for DataTables

bower install datatables-colvis#RELEASE_1_0_0


Important - this is retired software

Please note that ColVis has now been retired and replaced by the Buttons extension which offers significant improvements and consistent styling and API integration with the rest of DataTables and the other extensions.

It is strongly recommended that you upgrade is possible to Buttons with its column visibility module, and not to use ColVis in any new projects.


ColVis adds a button to the toolbars around DataTables which gives the end user of the table the ability to dynamically change the visibility of the columns in the table:

  • Dynamically show and hide columns in a table
  • Very easy integration with DataTables
  • Ability to exclude columns from being either hidden or shown
  • Save saving integration with DataTables


To use ColVis, first download DataTables ( ) and place the unzipped ColVis package into a extensions directory in the DataTables package. This will allow the pages in the examples to operate correctly. To see the examples running, open the examples directory in your web-browser.

Basic usage

ColVis is initialised using the C option that it adds to DataTables' dom option. For example:

$(document).ready( function () {
    $('#example').dataTable( {
        "dom": 'C<"clear">lfrtip'
    } );
} );

Documentation / support


If you fancy getting involved with the development of ColVis and help make it better, please refer to its GitHub repo: