
A reactive MVVM framework for jQuery Vue-like interface.

mvvm, vue, jquery, reactive, jquery-plugin, two-way
bower install ivia



A reactive MVVM framework for jQuery Vue-like interface.

Getting Started


Install by npm or yarn.

npm install sparrow --save

yarn add sparrow

Install by bower

bower install sparrow --save

Download single file for browser.

<script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/sparrow.min.js"></script>


<script src="//cdn.rawgit.com/asika32764/sparrow/00125e19/dist/sparrow.min.js"></script>

If you are not in browser environment, you must inject jQuery or Zepto first.

import jQuery from 'jquery';

Sparrow.$ = jQuery;

// Or Zepto
Sparrow.$ = Zepto;

// Use _name to know which is in Sparrow later
Sparrow.$._name; // `jquery` or `zepto`

Create Sparrow Instance

Sparrow's interface is very similar to Vue, we can create an instance and add elin option to select element.

<div id="app"></div>

var sp = new Sparrow({
  el: '#app', // You can also use $('#app')
  data: { ... },
  methods: {

Sometimes you may need to put your code before HTML <body>, you can add domready option.

  var sp = new Sparrow({
    el: '#app',
    domready: true
  <div id="app"></div>

Or use jQuery plugin pattern.

$(function () {
  var sp = $('#app').sparrow({ ... });

Binding Data (One-way-binding)

Simple Binding

  • API: this.$bind(selector: string, dataPath: string, handler: string|Function)
  • Handler: function ($element: jQuery, value: mixed, oldValue: mixed, arrayControl: Object = null)

Sparrow has a reactive data structure, you can bind an HTML element to a data value then if this data changed, Sparrow will notice your handler to change DOM.

<div id="app">
  <p id="flower"></p>

var sp = new Sparrow({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    flower: {
      name: 'sakura',
      nmuber: 25 
  configure: function () {
    this.$bind('#flower', 'flower.name', ':text');
    this.$bind('#flower', 'flower.number', 'data-number');

$bind() method help us bin a value to element we selected, don't worry to double selected, Sparrow will cache it. the third argument tells Sparrow to bind the attribute to this data. This is similar to Vue v-bind:data-number directive.

An attribute name start with : is a special control, currently we supports :text, :html and :value, which will auto use jquery .text(), html() or val() to bind data, otherwise will use attr().

NOTE: All selector must under the root element which you set in el: option, Sparrow will use this.$find() to find elements only contains in root element, if you have to control outside element, inject a custom element object. this.$bind(this.$('.my-outside-item'), 'flower')

The rendered result will be:

<p id="flower" data-number="25">sakura</p>

Now you can change data:

sp.flower.name = 'rose';

the text in <p> will change to rose, try this in playground

Custom Handler

You will hope to do some extra action when data changed, just bind a callback.

this.$bind('#flower', 'flower.name', function ($ele, value, oldValue) {

  // Push new data to remote
  this.$.ajax(...); // this.$ is a jQuery obj reference 

  // Add new child to other element
    // Sparrow provides createElement() method
    // You can still use $(`<li>...</li>`) to create element.
    Sparrow.createElement('li', {'data-number': this.flower.number}, value)  

  // Show/hide
  if (value) {
  } else {

Array Operation

If data is an array and changed by push, unshift and splice, there will be forth argument with control info, it includes method and args to help you know what has been inserted.

var sp = new Sparrow({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    items: ['a', 'b', 'c']
  configure: function () {
    this.$bind('#flower', 'items', function ($ele, value, oldValue, ctrl) {
      if (ctrl) {
        switch (ctrl.method) {
          case 'push':
            ctrl.args.forEach(e => $ele.append(this.$(`<li>${e}</li>`)));
          case 'splice':
          case 'unshift':

      // Not array inserted, just refresh all
      value.forEach(e => $ele.append(this.$(`<li>${e}</li>`)));

// Let's push a new item

DOM Events

  • API: this.$on(selector: string, eventName: string, handler: Function, delegate: boolean = false)
  • Handler: function ($ele, event)

Use $on() to bind DOM events to your data.

<div id="app">
  <input id="flower-input" type="text" />
  <p id="flower-output"></p>

var sp = new Sparrow({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    flower: ''
  configure: function () {
    this.$on('#flower-input', 'input', function ($ele, event) {
      this.flower = $ele.val();

    this.$bind('#flower-output', 'flower', ':text');

See example

If your elements are not always on page, your JS will add or remove them, you can add true to forth argument to use jQuery delegate event binding, then jQuery will help you watch your element.

this.$on('#flower-input', 'input', $ele => this.flower = $ele.val(), true);

Two-Way Binding

  • API: this.$model(selector: string|Element, dataPath: string, delegate: boolean = false)

Two-way binding can only works for input, textarea and select now.

<div id="app">
  <input id="flower-input" type="text" />
  <p id="flower-output"></p>

var sp = new Sparrow({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    flower: 'initial data'
  configure: function () {
    this.$model('#flower-input', 'flower')
      .$bind('#flower-output', 'flower', ':text');

See Example


  • API: this.$show(selector: string|Element, dataPath: string, onShow: string|Function, onHide: string|Function)

Use $show() to control an element show/hide depend on data.

<div id="app">
  <select name="" id="list">
    <option value="0">Zero</option>
    <option value="1">One</option>
    <option value="2">Two</option>
    <option value="-1">Negative One</option>

  <div id="list-show">

var sp = new Sparrow({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    list: '1'
  configure: function () {
    this.$show('#list-show li', 'list');

    this.$model('#list', 'list');

See Example

Custom Show/Hide Handler

Use string as jQuery method.

// Same as $ele.show()
this.$show('#list-show li', 'list', 'show', 'hide');

// Same as $ele.fadeIn()
this.$show('#list-show li', 'list', 'fadeIn', 'fadeOut');

// Samse as $ele.slideDown()
this.$show('#list-show li', 'list', 'slideDown', 'slideUp');

If you only provide first handler, is will use as toggle handler.

this.$show('#list-show li', 'list', 'toggle'); // toggle show/hide

this.$show('#list-show li', 'list', 'fadeToggle'); // toggle fadeIn/fadeOut

Use callback:

this.$show('#list-show li', 'list', function ($ele, v, old, ctrl) {
}, function ($ele, v, old, ctrl){

// Use ES6 arrow function
this.$show('#list-show li', 'list', $ele => $ele.slideDown(), $ele => $ele.slideUp());

See Example


Simply use $wrap so you don't need always type same selector:

this.$wrap('#flower-selector', function ($ele, wrapper) {
  this.$bind('flower.name', ':text');

  // wrapper is same as this, useful for arrow function
  wrapper.$show('flower.show', 'fadeToggle');

Only supports $bind, $show, $model, $on methods.

Methods / Watchers and Computed

methods, watches and computed is same as Vue.

var sp = new Sparrow({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    firstName: 'john',
    lastName: 'williams'
  configure: function () {
    this.$model('#first', 'firstName');
    this.$model('#last', 'lastName');

    this.$bind('#full-name', 'fullName', ':text');
  methods: {
    capitalize: function (text) {
      return text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.slice(1);
  computed: {
    fullName: function () {
      return this.capitalize(this.firstName) + ' ' + this.capitalize(this.lastName);
  watch: {
    foo: function (value, oldValue, ctrl) {
      // Do some manually update

Also support $watch() method:

this.$watch('foo.bar', function (value, oldValue, ctrl) {
    // Do some manually update

See Example and Vue: Computed amd Watchers


Sparrow events is also similar to Vue, the only different is that we change $on() method to $listen:

this.$listen('event-name', (arg) => {
    console.log(arg); // Hello

this.$emit('event-name', 'Hello');


Supported methods: $listen(), $emit(), $off(), $once().


You must also use $set() and $delete() to operate some object in data that Sparrow can add reactive observer.

this.$set(this.$data.foo, 'bar', 'value');
this.$delete(this.$data.foo, 'bar', 'value');

See Vue doc: reavtivity



Sparrow also supports $nextTick() after all watchers updated the DOM:

this.foo = 'new data';

this.$nextTick(function () {
  // Do something after DOM updated.

See Vue nextTick

Async DOM Operation

DOM operation is synchronous, Sparrow provides an $async() method to help us do something asynchronous and return Promise/A+ object.

this.$async(function () {
  for (...) {
    $element.append(...); // Run 1000 times, here will not block your process
}).then(function () {
  // Do something after DOM appended

// The below code will continue execute

this.$async(function () {
  for (...) {
    $element.append(...); // Run 1000 times, here will not block your process
}).then(function () {
  // Do something after DOM appended

// These 2 tasks will not block each other.

Also will can use Promise.all() or Promise.race(), this example we convert jQuery ajax deferred object to Promise:

  this.$async(() => this.$.get(url1)),
  this.$async(() => this.$.post(url2, data)),
  this.$async(() => this.$.get(url3)),
]).then(() => {
    // will wait 3 ajax completed

Promise A/+

Sparrow provides a Promise object in Sparrow.Promise, if browser supports native Promise, this object will be reference of native Promise. If browser not support, Sparrow will wrap jQuery.Deferred and adapt it to fit Promise A/+ interface.

new Sparrow.Promise(resolce => {
    // Do something


Element Create

Sparrow has createElement method to help you generate DOM element:

Sparrow.createElement('div', {class: 'foo'}, 'Text');

// Also can use jQuery
Sparrow.$('<div class="foo">Text</div>');


This project is inspired by Evan You's Vue.js and the reactive structure is heavily referenced of Vue.



Copyright (c) 2013-present, Simon Asika