
HTML5 canvas-based loading icons created using jQuery

bower install jquery-canvas-loader


 * jQuery Canvas Loader Plugin 1.3
 * Creates an alternative to ajax loader images with the canvas element.
 * Tested on Mobile Safari and Android browsers.
 * By Jamund Xcot Ferguson
 * Twitter: @xjamundx
 * Blog: http://www.jamund.com/
 * Usage:
 * Without options:
 *      $("img.ajaxLoader").canvasLoader();
 * With options:
 *		$("img.ajaxLoader").canvasLoader({
 *   		'radius':10,
 *   		'color':'rgb(255,0,0),
 *  		'dotRadius':10,
 *			'backgroundColor':'transparent'
 *   		'className':'canvasLoader',   
 *   		'id':'canvasLoader1',
 *   		'fps':10
 *		});
 * Options:
 *		radius - width/height of the loader
 * 		color - color of the pulsing dots
 * 		dotRadius - radius of the pulsing dots
 * 		className - class name of the canvas tag
 *		backgroundColor - a background color for the canvas
 * 		id - id of the canvas tag
 *		fps - approximate frames per second of the pulsing