
a new and improved module jindo.m.Scroll components of the JMC

scroll, jmc, library, mobile, component
bower install m-scroll


mScroll - a new and improved module jindo.m.Scroll components of the JMC.

What is mScroll?

Do you know JMC(Jindo Mobile Component)?
mScroll is a new and improved module jindo.m.Scroll components of the JMC.

You can use it in a variety of environments. (like a jindo, jQuery, ...)
mScroll is multi-platform javascript scrolller.

This project is an unofficial project.
No longer have any special requirements, the project will proceed unofficially.


  • cross platform and browsing in mobile environment.
  • fast loading speed and optimal performance
  • separation of markup and code
  • dependency free

How to install?

To install mScroll as a front-end dependency using Bower, simply execute the following command in your project’s folder:

bower install m-scroll

How to use

Configuring the mScroll

mScroll can be configured by passing a second parameter during the initialization phase.

var scroll = new mScroll('#wrapper', {
    useHorizontal : false,
    useVertical : true,
    useBounce : true,
    use3d : true,
    useTransition : false,
    useScrollbar : true,
    deceleration : 0.0005,
    effect : mEffect.cubicBezier(0.18, 0.35, 0.56, 1)

Custom Events

mScroll also emits some useful custom events you can hook to.

To register them you use the on(type, fn) method.

scroll = new mScroll('#wrapper');
scroll.on('scroll', functionSomething);

The above code executes the functionSomething function every time the content stops scrolling.

The available types are:

  • beforeStart
  • start
  • beforeMove
  • move
  • beforeEnd
  • end
  • beforeScroll
  • scroll
  • position


If you find a bug, please report us via the GitHub issues page.


Licensed under LGPL v2:


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