
Smarter events using requestAnimationFrame, by o2web

o2web, raf, requestAnimationFrame, request, animation, frame, events, js, javascript, mousemove, pointer, touchmove, scroll
bower install o2-raf



RequestAnimationFrame handler is made to increase performance of events fired by the window element

Supports AMD / CommonJS loaders


All raf.js data you might need is stored in a global variable named raf.

window.raf = {

    request: 0          // current raf request
    events: [],         // list of events hooked to raf
    eventsCount: 0,     // current count of events

    pointer: {},        // pointer position, updated if pointermove event is hooked
    scroll: {},         // scroll position, updated if scroll event is hooked

    on: function(),     // start raf loop
    off: function(),    // stop raf loop, useful for debugging
    loop: function(),   // request another frame
    updateDataSources(), // update dom/prefix combos used for resize detections

    detects: {},        // Events available for detection
    inits: {},          // Available init callbacks when first occurence of event is hooked
    kills: {},          // Available kill callbacks when last occurence of event is unhooked

    win: {},            // Data used for window calculations
    doc: {},            // Data used for window calculations


Available events

  • scroll
  • pointermove
  • windowresize
  • documentresize
  • afterwindowresize
  • afterdocumentresize
  • nextframe
  • eachframe

Hooking your callback onto an event

window.raf.on('scroll', myScrollCallback);
window.raf.on('documentresize', myResizeCallback);
window.raf.on('afterdocumentresize', myHeavyResizeCallback);

Removing your callback from an event

window.raf.off('scroll', myCallback);