
Simple Data Objects. Very simple, intended for use with React and small projects.

react, data, local, simple, change, callbacks
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Simple Data Objects

Very simple data object layer with simple onChange callback support.

You comprise your data model with just two object types: Hash, List

users= List(
  Hash( name:'alice', email:'' )
  Hash( name:'bob', email:'' )

Both Hash and List have an onChange method to register for changes.

users.onChange (action, list)->
  console.log "List changed", action

For Lists, the callback receives the action that took place (add, remove, clear) and the source List instance.

Hash( test:yes ).onChange (keys, hash)->
  console.log "Hash changed", keys

For Hashes, the callback receives the keys that were changed (always an Array) and the source Hash instance.

All change events propagate upward.

page= Hash( current:'home', params:null )

app= Hash( {page} )

app.onChange (keys, hash)->
  console.log "Something changed!"

page.set current:'about'

# app.onChange handler is called!

The Store type is for syncing objects to localStorage (or sessionStorage).

store= Store('app.settings')
settings= Hash( store.load(
  font: 'Helvetica' # Default values are returned if no data was found in storage

settings.onChange( )

settings.set font:'Comic Sans' # Ack! But automatically persisted

You can nest objects and selectively store at certain levels, if you want:

class App
  constructor: ->
    store= Store( 'app.settings' )
    @state= Hash(
      page: Hash( current:'home', params:null )
      settings: Hash(store.load( font:'Helvetica' ))
      other: 'Whatever'

app= new App

Only app.state.settings will be persisted in the app.state graph.

I use this with small React projects:

{div}= React.DOM
_= null

state= Hash( 
  todos: List([
    Hash( title:'A todo', done:no )
    Hash( title:'Another todo', done:no )

Page= React.createClass
  render: ->
    (div _,
      "Welcome, #{ }"

state.onChange ->
  React.renderComponent (Page state.get()), document.body

@onload= ->
  state.set loaded:yes

Oh yes, calling get() with no parameters will return a JSON-like structure, very useful for splatting into React props as shown above.

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