
Beautiful, lightweight admin interface for Simpla

simpla-element, web-component, simpla, admin, content management, cms, content-management, custom-element, web-components
bower install simpla-admin


Simpla Admin

Version Build status Size Published Simpla slack group

Simpla-admin is a lightweight, beautiful admin component for the Simpla content system. It provides everything you need to manage a Simpla app - login prompts, edit mode management, save controls, notifications, keyboard shortcuts, etc.

Installation and setup

Install simpla-admin with Bower (Yarn support coming soon)

$ bower install simpla-admin --save

Include the Simpla library and setup a project (read more about setting up Simpla)

<script src="^2.0.0"></script>
  // TODO: replace 'project-id' with your project ID

Then import simpla-admin into the <head> of your document. It will automatically attach and load itself as a singleton when Simpla enters edit mode.

<link rel="import" href="/bower_components/simpla-admin/simpla-admin.html" async>

Polyfills for cross-browser support

Simpla-admin relies on emerging standards, for full cross-browser support make sure you include the Web Components Lite polyfill.

<script src="^0.7.24/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script>


Simpla-admin binds #edit to Simpla's edit mode. To enter edit mode, add #edit to the end of your URL. To exit edit mode, remove #edit from the URL. Simpla-admin will automatically attach and load itself when you enter edit mode.

You can disable hashtracking with the hashTracking property

window.SimplaAdmin = window.SimplaAdmin || {};
window.SimplaAdmin.hashTracking = false;

Login prompts

If you're not authenticated when trying to enter edit mode, simpla-admin will prompt you to login with the <simpla-login> element. Exiting the login modal without logging in exits edit mode.

The user will be prompted for login regardless of whether you enter edit mode via simpla-admin (by adding #edit to the URL) or programmatically with Simpla (ie: Simpla.editable(true)).

You can disable login prompts with the loginPrompt property, and do your own authentication with the Simpla.login() method

window.SimplaAdmin = window.SimplaAdmin || {};
window.SimplaAdmin.loginPrompt = false;


Simpla-admin binds keyboard shortcuts to several common actions:

Shortcut Description
cmd/ctrl + s Save
cmd/ctrl + e Toggle edit mode (only if authenticated)

You can disable all hotkeys with the hotkeys property

window.SimplaAdmin = window.SimplaAdmin || {};
window.SimplaAdmin.hotkeys = false;

Accidental click protection

Simpla-admin makes a page non-interactive while you are editing it, so you can work with content inside interactive elements (links, buttons, lightboxes) without accidentally leaving the page. To re-enable clicks, toggle off edit mode with cmd/ctrl + e or the simpla-admin menu. Your changes will remain in the local buffer until you either save or reload the page.

You can stop this behavior with the protectEditing property

window.SimplaAdmin = window.SimplaAdmin || {};
window.SimplaAdmin.protectEditing = false;


Simpla-admin displays notifications for things like content saves with <simpla-notify>. You can display your own custom notifications by firing a simpla-notification window event with a text property

var notification = new CustomEvent('simpla-notification', { 
  detail: {
    text: 'something happened'


API reference

Simpla-admin attaches itself to window as a global singleton, you can access it from window.SimplaAdmin.


Property Type Default Description
hashTracking Boolean true Whether to bind edit mode to #edit in the URL
loginPrompt Boolean true Whether to visually prompt for login if the user is not authenticated
hotkeys Boolean true Whether to enable keyboard shortcuts for common actions
protectEditing Boolean true Whether to enable accidental click protection while editing

Set properties on window.SimplaAdmin directly

window.SimplaAdmin = window.SimplaAdmin || {};
SimplaAdmin.hashTracking = false;


If you find any issues with simpla-admin please report them! If you'd like to see a new feature in supported file an issue or let us know in Simpla's public Slack group. We also happily accept PRs.

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