
three.js extension to use the use of skymaps

bower install threex.skymap



threex.skymap is a three.js extension to use the use of skymaps. Additionnaly it provides skymaps of cubemaps taken in three.js examples. You can find more examples of texture cubes here

Show, Don't Tell

How To Install It

You can install it manually. Just do

<script src='threex.skymap.js'></script>
<script src='threex.texturecube.js'></script>
<script src='threex.cubetexturehcross.js'></script>

You can install with bower.

bower install threex.skymap

How To Use It

For Skymap with a well known urls

var mesh    = THREEx.createSkymap('mars')
scene.add( mesh )

Here is the list of well known urls, "bridge2", "escher", "park2", "park3med", "pisa", "skybox", "swedishroyalcastle", "mars". or just do this line in jsconsole.


For Skymap with your own skymap.

var textureCube = THREEx.createTextureCube([
    'cube_px.jpg', 'cube_nx.jpg',
    'cube_py.jpg', 'cube_ny.jpg',
    'cube_pz.jpg', 'cube_nz.jpg',
var mesh    = THREEx.createSkymap(textureCube)
scene.add( mesh )

For reflexion.

var geometry    = new THREE.CubeGeometry( 1, 1, 1);
var material    = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial();
// add the reflexion in material.envMap
material.envMap = THREEx.createTextureCube('pisa')
var mesh    = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
scene.add( mesh );

To handle split a cube texture in horizontal cross format into 6 pictures in three.js order, just do

var images  = THREEx.CubeTextureHCross.split(hcrossImage)

To build cube texture in horizontal cross format from 6 pictures in three.js order, just do

var canvas  =

To load a cube texture in horizontal cross format and get a three.js texture, just do

THREEx.CubeTextureHCross.load(imageUrl, function(cubeMap){
    // ... here use cubeMap
    // ... maybe something like material.envMap  = cubeMap