
A very simple canvas-based slider

slider, canvas
bower install vaseline



A high-performance, bare-bones slider.
It just loads and slides images; no styling whatsoever is done on the slider, so any styling you want to do, you'll have to do yourself.
It uses canvas, which makes the slider unavailable to IE<9. If you need to support older IEs, use ExCanvas.


npm install vaseline


bower install vaseline


live example here, source of the example here

var v = Vaseline('Canvas') //id of the element to append the slider to
    .prefix('images/') //will get prepended to all images sources
    .suffix('.jpg') //will get appended to all images sources
    .slides('00..05') //will expand to ['images/00.jpg','images/01.jpg',...'images/05.jpg']
    .resolution(1) //set a lower resolution for performance if you'd like
    .cover() //sets the resizing mode to "cover". You can also use the default contain()
    .resize() //sets the slider to fit it's parent
    .autoResize() //will resize automatically on window size change
    .goTo(0) //goes to the first slide

transitions are done through CSS;

the classes that are added to the main container are:

  • vaseline-supports-transforms: if the browser supports transforms. Use this to fall back to absolute positioning. If the browser does not support transforms, the class will be vaseline-no-transforms
  • vaseline-supports-canvas or vaseline-no-canvas if the browser supports canvas

Classes that are added to the slides are:

  • vaseline-display denotes a slide
  • vaseline-active denotes the current slide
  • vaseline-inactive denotes the previous slide
  • vaseline-forward means the slider has loaded the next image
  • vaseline-backward means the slider has gone back to a previous image

Additionally, a class of vaseline-loading is added to the parent of the main container while loading the next image. Use it to show a spinner or whatever.

Here is a good starting point (vendor perfixes have been removed to provide a more readable output):

#Canvas {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    min-width: 500px;
    min-height: 200px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    background: #000;

.vaseline-container {
    transform: translateZ(0);

.vaseline-container .vaseline-display {
    top: 0;
    transition-property: left;
    transition-timing-function: ease-out;
    transition-duration: 1s;
    animation-timing-function: ease-out;
    animation-duration: 1s;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    transform: translateY(100%);

.vaseline-supports-transforms .vaseline-display {
    animation-name: ExitTranslateForward;
    left: 0;

.vaseline-supports-transforms .vaseline-active {
    transform: translateX(0);

.vaseline-supports-transforms .vaseline-active.vaseline-forward {
    animation-name: EnterTranslateForward;

.vaseline-supports-transforms .vaseline-active.vaseline-backward {
    animation-name: EnterTranslateBackward;

.vaseline-supports-transforms .vaseline-inactive {
    transform: translateX(-100%);

.vaseline-supports-transforms .vaseline-inactive.vaseline-forward {
    animation-name: ExitTranslateForward;

.vaseline-supports-transforms .vaseline-inactive.vaseline-backward {
    animation-name: ExitTranslateBackward;

.vaseline-no-transforms .vaseline-display {
    top: -100%;
    animation-name: ExitPositionForward;
    left: 100%;

.vaseline-no-transforms .vaseline-active {
    left: 0;

.vaseline-no-transforms .vaseline-active.vaseline-forward {
    animation-name: EnterPositionForward;

.vaseline-no-transforms .vaseline-active.vaseline-backward {
    animation-name: EnterPositionBackward;

.vaseline-no-transforms .vaseline-inactive {
    left: -100%;

.vaseline-no-transforms .vaseline-inactive.vaseline-forward {
    animation-name: ExitPositionForward;

.vaseline-no-transforms .vaseline-inactive.vaseline-backward {
    animation-name: ExitPositionBackward;

@keyframes ExitTranslateForward {
    0% {transform: translateX(0);}
    100% {transform: translateX(-100%);}

@keyframes EnterTranslateForward {
    0% {transform: translateX(100%);}
    100% {transform: translateX(0);}

@keyframes ExitTranslateBackward {
    0% {transform: translateX(0);}
    100% {transform: translateX(100%);}

@keyframes EnterTranslateBackward {
    0% {transform: translateX(-100%);}
    100% {transform: translateX(0);}

@keyframes ExitPositionForward {
    0% {left: 0;}
    100% {left: -100%;}

@keyframes EnterPositionForward {
    0% {left: 100%;}
    100% {left: 0;}

@keyframes ExitPositionBackward {
    0% {left: 0;}
    100% {left: 100%;}

@keyframes EnterPositionBackward {
    0% {left: -100%;}
    100% {left: 0;}



Goes to the slide designed by the argument

next(bool), previous(bool)

what is says. If true is passed, will wrap to the last/first slide if a limit is reached.


Sets slides. Each time this function is called, slides are added to the previous batch. If you want to edit the array, call slides() without arguments and edit the resulting array.
If you want to empty the slides array, pass false as your argument.
If you pass a string of two number like so: 01..30, it will create the array for you.


Removes all slides. You can use this instead of slides(false) for more clarity.


Sets the resolution. 1 is maximum resolution, and lower values are lower resolutions. You might want to set it dynamically if the framerate drops, using FPSMeter, for example.


resizes the slider to it's parent container size. You're probably better off using autoResize as it already uses a debounced resized event.


The maximum number of images to keep in memory. Defaults to 3. Keep in mind that discarded images are not necessarily removed from memory; they are simply made available to the garbage collector.


The number of images to preload. Defaults to 2. Note that preloaded images are independant from the normal buffer.

cover(), contain()

Sets the image sizing to cover or contain respectively. Behaviour is similar to the CSS image-sizing directive.


switches between cover and contain


Redraws the current image. Useful after a resolution() or a resize() change or any manipulation of the canvas (it is called automatically when resize() is triggered by autoResize()).


Applies a function or a property to every slide
You can pass either function that will be called in the context of the slide (this will be the slide) and will receive the slide number as an argument, e.g.


Or with an object, which property will be applied to each slide. For example:


Lastly, you can also call it with a string, which is a method name to call on every slide. For example:



Event handlers always receive the event name as a first argument.

on(str,function), off(str,function)

where str is one of:

  • show called when a slide is shown. The event handler receives the slide as a second argument
  • load called when a slide is loaded; note that it does not necessarily coincide with show, as a slide might have been set to load, but the user navigated to another slide before the loading finished; in which case, the slide will continue to load, but another slide will be shown. The event handler receives the slide as a second argument.
  • start called when a slide starts loading. Note that by the time the event is called, the slide has already started loading. The event handler receives the slide as a second argument.
  • resize called when the Vaseline instance resizes.

You can use addEventListener and removeEventListener instead of on() and off() if you prefer that syntax.

Shortcut handlers

Each handler has a shortcut in the form of 'on'+Handler:

  • onShow(function)
  • onLoad(function)
  • onStart(function)
  • onResize(function)


Works like on(), but will run the function only once.
