
Web component for displaying 5th Edition monster stat blocks

polymer, web-component, web-components, component, rpg, armor, attack-bonus, challenge-rating, css, custom-theme, custom-themes, dnd, dnd5e, html, javascript, lit-element, lit-html, monster, npc, stat-blocks, stats, theme, vellum-monster, webcomponents
bower install vellum-stat-block


<vellum-stat-block> Build Status Published on

Web component for displaying monster stat blocks for the fifth edition of the world's most popular table-top roleplaying game. Based on Val Markovic's Statblock5e but with the following, additional features:

  • Cross-browser support using Polymer and the Web Components polyfill
  • Simpler (just one import vs 5)
  • Theme-able

To install:

bower install --save vellum-stat-block

Add the following lines to your HTML head element:

<script src="../webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="vellum-monster.html">

A stat block is written as follows:

<vellum-monster class="official" id="warhorse" itemscope itemtype="">

    <dt>Name</dt><dd itemprop="name">Warhorse</dd>
    <dt>Size</dt><dd itemprop="size">Large</dd>
    <dt>Type</dt><dd itemprop="type">beast</dd>
    <dt>Alignment</dt><dd itemprop="alignment">unaligned</dd>

    <dt>Armor Class</dt><dd itemprop="ac">11</dd>
    <dt>Hit Points</dt><dd><span itemprop="hp">19</span> (<span itemprop="hitDie">3d10 + 3</span>)</dd>
    <dt>Speed</dt><dd itemprop="speeds">60 ft.</dd>

    <dt>Strength</dt><dd itemprop="str">18</dd>
    <dt>Dexterity</dt><dd itemprop="dex">12</dd>
    <dt>Constitution</dt><dd itemprop="con">13</dd>
    <dt>Intelligence</dt><dd itemprop="int">2</dd>
    <dt>Wisdom</dt><dd itemprop="wis">12</dd>
    <dt>Charisma</dt><dd itemprop="cha">7</dd>

    <dt>Senses</dt><dd itemprop="senses">passive Perception 11</dd>
    <dt>Challenge</dt><dd itemprop="cr">1/2</dd>
    <dt>XP</dt><dd itemprop="xp">100</dd>

    <li itemprop="specialTraits" itemscope>
      <span itemprop="name">Trampling Charge</span>
      <span itemprop="description">If the horse moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a hooves attack on
the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the horse can make another attack with its hooves against it as a bonus action.</span>

      <li itemprop="actions" itemscope>
        <span itemprop="name">Hooves</span>
        <span><data itemprop="type" value="melee-attack">Melee Weapon Attack</data>: <span itemprop="bonus">+4</span> to hit, reach <span itemprop="reach">5 ft.</span>, <span itemprop="target">one target</span>. Hit: <span itemprop="damage">11 (2d6 + 4)</span> <span itemprop="damageType">bludgeoning</span> damage.</span>

</vellum-monster >

This module also includes a theme to give your stat blocks a more "official" look. Simply add the following lines to your HTML file head element:

<link rel="import" href="themes/official/official-theme.html">
<style is="custom-style" include="official-theme"></style>

Custom Themes

To create a custom theme for your own stat blocks create a file with the following content:

<link rel="import" href="../../../polymer/polymer-element.html">

<dom-module id="my-stat-block-theme">

      html, html {
        // CSS styles here

    class MyTheme extends Polymer.Element {
      static get is() { return 'my-stat-block-theme'; }


You can then add custom styles in the style element above as described the Polymer documentation for Styling an element's shadow DOM.

Custom CSS properties for this component include:

Property Description
--stat-block-bar-border Describes the border property for top and bottom stat block bars, as per the CSS border property.
--stat-block-bar-background Describes the background property for top and bottom stat block bars, as per the CSS background property.
--stat-block-border-color The colour for the stat block borders on the right and left.
--stat-block-header-color The colour of the section headings and stat block header text.
--stat-block-heading-font-family The font-family of the section headings and stat block header text.
--stat-block-divider-color The colour of the divider between sections of the stat block.
--stat-block-two-column-width If the two-column class is applied to the stat block, this defines the width of the wider stat block.
--stat-block-two-column-column-width If the two-column class is applied to the stat block, this defines the width of the width of the columns within the stat block.

Custom Stat Blocks

The <vellum-stat-block> element allows you to create custom stat-blocks layouts. This could be for information that doesn't conform to the stand monster stat block, such as location stat blocks. Or to represent non-standard information the <vellum-monster> element doesn't yet support.

For example:

  name="Custom Stat Block"
  description="Demonstration of custom stat blocks"

  <vellum-stat name="Test Stat 1">Test Stat Value 1</vellum-stat>


  <vellum-stat name="Test Stat 2">Test Stat Value 2</vellum-stat>


Note: Users are encouraged <vellum-monster> element for monster descriptions wherever possible, and raise bugs where it doesn't support what you want to do. Rather than fallback to the <vellum-stat-block>.



To set-up your environment execute:

$ npm install


This software is copyrighted by Ricardo Gladwell and Val Markovic 2014-2018. It is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. All monster statistics are Open Game Content and licensed under the Open Gaming License.