Raw FFI bindings to the C API of the clingo library



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Rust raw FFI bindings to the C API of clingo library. Clingo version 5.5.0.

Requirements library

  • a c++14 conforming compiler
    • at least gcc version 4.9
    • clang version 3.1 (using either libstdc++ provided by gcc 4.9 or libc++)

Per default the crate uses the clingo library via dynamic linking. It is assumed that a clingo dynamic library is installed on the system. You have to set the environment variable CLINGO_LIBRARY_PATH. For example:

export CLINGO_LIBRARY_PATH=/scratch/miniconda3/envs/test/lib

Using static-linking

The crate defines a Cargo feature that allows to use the clingo library via static linking.

Attention: currently static-linking does not work with dl-theory.

The recommended way to use the optional static linking support is as follows.

clingo-sys = { version = "0.7.1", features = ["static-linking"] }